Decision details

Notice of Motion - Councillor Kate Blake

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(i)       to note that the Chief Officer Education and Lifelong Learning was due to meet with Connect in the next two weeks and would share an update with the Aberdeen City Parent Forum after the meeting;

(ii)       to agree that strong parental engagement is important to educational outcomes and note that this is enshrined in law via Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006, which established a “duty of the Scottish ministers to promote the involvement of the parents of pupils in attendance at public schools”;

(iii)      to agree that Aberdeen City Council supports representation of parental voice from a wide range of perspectives and experiences and recognises the benefits of improving engagement with traditionally underrepresented groups, such as parents and carers from minority ethnic backgrounds and those who have children with additional support needs;

(iv)      to acknowledge that the establishment of the new parent assembly, which will have around 100 members, will provide fresh opportunity for addressing historic challenges around engagement in the city and across Scotland;

(v)      to agree that the membership should aim to reflect diversity in Scotland, including parents, carers and families with an interest in Gaelic and Gaelic Medium Education (GME); those with children with additional support needs (ASN), neurodiversity, and those from minority ethnic backgrounds;

(vi)      to instruct the Chief Officer Education and Lifelong Learning to write to the Cabinet Secretary seeking assurance that members of NPFS will be involved in the new parent assembly; and that parental voice and diversity in the city will be enhanced through the new model; and

(vii)     to appreciate the contribution that parental engagement makes in Aberdeen and instructs the Chief Officer Education and Lifelong Learning to continue to engage with parents and carers in the city to promote and develop parental engagement.

Publication date: 05/07/2024

Date of decision: 02/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 02/07/2024 - Education and Children's Services Committee