Decision details

ALEO Assurance Hub - GOV/18/004

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(i)       in relation to questions from members regarding the General Data Protection Regulations and whether ALEO’s were fully prepared, to note that ALEO’s were assessed in March and that a further assessment would be undertaken and presented in the report before the Committee in September 2018;

(ii)      in relation to a question from Councillor Duncan regarding Bon Accord Care and the percentage of Board members that were female, to request the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services to re state the importance of moving towards gender equality with Bon Accord Care;

(iii)      in relation to a question from Councillor Duncan regarding Bon Accord Care and the reason why they felt that a Scheme of Delegation was not required, to note that the legal team within Commercial and Procurement Services would be discussing this further with Bon Accord Care during the ongoing Service Level Agreement Review;

(iv)     in relation to a question from Councillor Duncan regarding Sport Aberdeen and the comparison of the overall risk assessment with other ALEO’s, to note that there had been a negative movement on the risk rating from the previous report which had taken into account the complexity of implementing GDPR and the merger of Garthdee Alpine Sports and Adventure Aberdeen into Sport Aberdeen;

(v)      in relation to a question from Councillor Duncan regarding Aberdeen Heat and Power and the current process for appointing a Chief Executive Officer, to note that interviews had been scheduled and that officers were in regular contact with the ALEO regarding the matter;

(vi)     to note the level of assurance provided by each ALEO on risk management, financial management and governance;

(vii)     to note the future oversight arrangements for each ALEO and to further note that this had been predicted on the level of risk to the Council and the level of assurance provided by the ALEO; and

(viii)    to note that Assurance Hub Officers and ALEO Service Leads would discuss any outstanding issues with representatives of each ALEO with a view to improving the assessment ratings at the next Hub meeting.


Publication date: 15/05/2018

Date of decision: 08/05/2018

Decided at meeting: 08/05/2018 - Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee

Accompanying Documents: