Decision details

Workplans and Business Cases - Revenue

Decision Maker: Strategic Commissioning Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(i)               to note the workplans of the Operations, Customer, Place and Commissioning Functions as detailed in the Appendices;

(ii)             to approve the total estimated revenue expenditure for each proposed contract, and delegates authority to the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services following consultation with the relevant Chief Officer to procure appropriate goods and services, and enter into any contracts relating thereto;

(iii)            to note that Business Cases for procurements exercises to be commenced after 28th May 2019 would be submitted on a phased basis to future meetings of the Strategic Commissioning Committee; and

(iv)            to instruct the Chief Officer – City Growth to provide a procurement business case to the meeting of the Strategic Commissioning Committee on 21 November 2019, detailing all procurement options, including financial commitment required for each, available for the delivery of the Aberdeen Christmas Village for 2020 onwards, noting that any budgeting decision for future years would be considered as part of the Council’s budget process.

Publication date: 30/05/2019

Date of decision: 28/05/2019

Decided at meeting: 28/05/2019 - Strategic Commissioning Committee

Accompanying Documents: