Decision details

Internal Audit Reports - Annual Report and IJB Performance Management Reporting - HSCP.23.044

Decision Maker: Risk, Audit and Performance Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the Internal Audit (IA) Annual Report 2022/23;

(ii)            to note that the Chief Internal Auditor had confirmed the organisational independence of Internal Audit;

(iii)          to note that there had been no limitation to the scope of Internal Audit work during 2022/23; and

(iv)          to note the progress that management had made with implementing recommendations agreed in Internal Audit reports.

Publication date: 19/06/2023

Date of decision: 13/06/2023

Decided at meeting: 13/06/2023 - Risk, Audit and Performance Committee

Accompanying Documents: