Decision details

Notice of Motion by Councillors Macdonald and Malik - referred from Council on 3 July 2024

Decision Maker: Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to acknowledge concerns from residents and businesses in the city centre around antisocial behaviour;

(ii)            to acknowledge the work of Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeen Inspired, Police Scotland and other partners in achieving Scotland’s only Purple Flag accredited city centre status, noting Aberdeen Inspired have played a key role in securing this award and have submitted the application for 2024; and acknowledges this work will now be carried out in future years by Aberdeen City Council's City Centre Manager to continue to maintain this accreditation; and

(iii)          to instruct the Interim Chief Officer - Governance to coordinate a further report from the Community Safety Partnership to the Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee on current efforts to manage antisocial behaviour in the city centre and on approaches to offering wider system awareness and understanding of the issues.


Publication date: 11/09/2024

Date of decision: 05/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 05/09/2024 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee