Decision details

Free School Meals - OPE/19/250

Decision Maker: Education Operational Delivery Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee resolved:-

(i)        to thank officers for the work undertaken;

(ii)       to note the increase in the number of children and young people registered for free school meals;

(iii)      to note that the Scottish Government has qualifying criteria for free school meals which can be varied by Councils using the Education (Scotland) Act 2016;

(iv)      to note the workstreams being progressed by officers to increase the uptake of free school meals across both the Primary and Secondary school estate; and further note the potential for Universal Credit or other benefits to have an adverse impact on eligibility criteria for free school meals and instructs the Chief Operating Officer to investigate whether the Council should develop a free school meals policy to address anomalies in legislation as part of the wider Universal Credit impact report due to come to Operational Delivery Committee and also now Education Operational Delivery Committee in November 2019, and to report back to the Education Operational Delivery Committee with details of any proposed policy and detail of the indicative costs involved;

(v)       to note that following the transition between Primary School and Secondary School the numbers of children and young people in receipt of free school meals declines and instructs the Chief Operating Officer to devise and implement a system to ensure that children and young people transitioning from Primary School to Secondary School continue to benefit from the entitlement to free school meals where the entitlement exists and Aberdeen City Council is unaware of any change in family financial circumstances and to report back to Committee with the outcome;

(vi)      to note the evaluation of the programme to deliver free school meals during school holidays;

(vii)    to note the evaluation of the Food and Fun Programme for 2018/19; and

(viii)   to instruct the Chief Officer – Early Intervention and Community Empowerment to continue with the Food and Fun programme examining possible alternative models of delivery which are less staff resource intensive and which may allow for expansion of the programme with the help of partner agencies.

Publication date: 21/05/2019

Date of decision: 16/05/2019

Decided at meeting: 16/05/2019 - Education Operational Delivery Committee

Accompanying Documents: