Decision details

Aberdeen Mela-One World Day Event - Notice of Motion by Councillor Macdonald

Decision Maker: City Growth and Resources Committee, Finance and Resources Committee

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


to agree that Aberdeen City Council congratulate Aberdeen Mela-One World Day Event team on securing funding to hold a Mela event in Aberdeen this year, including £15,000 from the Council’s Common Good Fund. Melas are traditionally an Asian celebration of culture and community through music, dance, theatre, song and stories as well as food and fashion. As well as forging closer cultural understandings, there are also opportunities to promote stronger community, health and environmental benefits. The Aberdeen Mela will take place on Sunday 21st August 2022 from 12 Noon to 7pm at Westburn Park.

Publication date: 09/08/2022

Date of decision: 03/08/2022

Decided at meeting: 03/08/2022 - City Growth and Resources Committee

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