Decision details

Demolition of Existing House and Erection of 22 Flats (2 bedroom) & Associated Car Parking and Alteration to Existing Pedestrian Railway Underpass - 1 Western Road Aberdeen

Decision Maker: Planning Development Management Committee (Visits)

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Application granted and a willingness to approve subject to securing a legal agreement to deliver developer obligations and subject to conditions, which would:-

1.       specify that all flats will be for social rent only and for no other affordable or other housing tenure or type;

2.       a noise impact assessment and implementation of its recommendations,

3.       landscaping plan including proposal for access to underpass as well as planting/landscaping designed to mitigate the impact of the scheme on adjoining residents; and

4.       other conditions relating to boundary treatment, implementation of SUDS, car parking, cycle storage, contamination, external materials and micro-renewable energy measures / water saving technology


Reason - the proposal would result in the removal of a derelict brownfield site that is detrimental to the amenity of the neighbourhood and the provision of much needed affordable housing. It is not is considered to be detrimental to the amenity or privacy of neighbouring residents whilst providing adequate amenity for new residents. With this in mind, subject to suitable conditions, the proposal is considered on balance to be compliant with Policy H1 of the adopted Local Development and there are material considerations that outweigh the provisions of policies D1, D2 and NE3 of the adopted Local Development.


Publication date: 04/03/2019

Date of decision: 28/02/2019

Decided at meeting: 28/02/2019 - Planning Development Management Committee (Visits)

Accompanying Documents: