Issue - meetings

Guildry Funds - Review of Allowances

Meeting: 21/01/2015 - Guildry and Mortification Funds Committee (Item 2)

2 Review of Allowances pdf icon PDF 54 KB


The Sub Committee had before it a paper by the Head of Finance which (a) provided information concerning (1) the amount of allowances paid from the Guildry funds to Burgesses of Guild, widows and widowers of Burgesses and children of Burgesses from 1995 to 2013; and (2) the number of people receiving allowances for the same period; and (b) proposed that the allowances be increased by either 3% or 5% rounded up to the nearest £10, backdated, for 2014/15.


The Sub Committee resolved:-

to recommend to Council that the following increases (5%) in annual allowances be approved backdated from 1 May 2014:-


Guildry Fund Allowance

Present Allowance

Proposed Allowance




Widows/Widowers of Burgesses



Children of Burgesses




Meeting: 14/04/2014 - Guildry and Mortification Funds Committee (Item 3)

3 Review of Allowances pdf icon PDF 54 KB


The Sub Committee had before it a paper by the Head of Finance which (a) provided information concerning (1) the amount of allowances paid from the Guildry Funds to Burgesses of Guild, Widows and Widowers of Burgesses and Children of Burgesses from 1995 to 2012; and (2) the number of people receiving allowances for the same period; and (b) proposed that the allowances be increased by either 3% or 5% rounded up to the nearest £10, backdated, for 2013/14.


The Sub Committee resolved:-

to recommend that the following increases (5%) in annual allowances be approved by the Council backdated from 1 May 2013:-


Guildry Fund Allowance

Present Allowance

Proposed Allowance




Widows/Widowers of Burgesses



Children of Burgesses

