Issue - meetings

West Huxterstone - application P130288

Meeting: 02/05/2014 - Planning Development Management Committee (Visits) (Item 2)

2 Fairley Road (Land To East Of), Kingswells - 130288 pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Reference No – 130288

Planning application documents can be viewed here –


Additional documents:


With reference to Article 5 of the minute of meeting of the Planning Development Management Committee of 24 April 2014, wherein it had been agreed to visit Kingswells Primary School in relation to the application, the Committee had before it a report by the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development which recommended:-


That the Committee express a willingness to approve the application in respect of planning permission for the construction of 7 detached units, 28 semi-detached units and 11 terraced houses with associated access roads, drainage and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), but to withhold the issue of the consent document until the applicant had entered into a legal agreement with the Council to secure (1) onsite affordable housing provision; (2) Strategic Transport Fund contributions; (3) developer contributions towards affordable housing, education facilities, community facilities and recreation and healthcare; and (4) the provision of a footpath along the western boundary of the application site on Fairley Road; and subject to the following conditions:-

(1)  That no more than 21 dwellinghouses (i.e. Phases 1 and 2 as shown on Drawing No AOL_208 rev. C) hereby granted permission shall be occupied unless (a) the new pedestrian footpath along the east side of Fairley Road has been provided and is available for use; (b) an RCC compliant road link and pedestrian footpath has been provided up to the eastern legal boundary of the application site as per Drawing No APL_205 rev H; and (c) the open space provision to the south of the access road (as shown on Drawing No APL_205 rev H) is completed and laid out in accordance with drawing no APL_301 rev I, and the Fairley Road planting schedule Rev A (unless otherwords agreed in writing by the planning authority).  The approved ‘public open space’ shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than as public open space; (2)  that no more than 40 dwellinghouses hereby granted permission shall be occupied unless all pedestrian footpaths shown on Drawing No APL_205 rev H have been constructed up to the legal boundary of the application site and are available for use; (3)  that plots 22-34 inclusive hereby approved shall not be occupied unless the car parking areas relative to those houses have been constructed, drained, laid-out and demarcated in accordance with Drawing No APL_205 rev H, or such other drawing as may subsequently be submitted and approved in writing by Aberdeen City Council as planning authority.  Such areas shall not thereafter be used for any other purpose other than the parking of cars ancillary to the development; (4)  that no development shall take place within the application site until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work which shall include post-excavation and publication work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation, such a programme shall be submitted in advance for the written approval of Aberdeen City Council as planning authority; (5)  that no development shall take place unless a bird hazard management plan has been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2

Meeting: 24/04/2014 - Planning Development Management Committee (Item 5)

5 Fairley Road (Land To East Of), Kingswells - 130288 pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Reference No – 130288

Planning application documents can be viewed here –


Additional documents:


Deferred for site visit on 2 May


With reference to Article 4 of the minute of its meeting of 20 March 2014, the Committee had before it a report by the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development which recommended:-


That the Committee express a willingness to approve the application in respect of planning permission for the construction of 7 detached units, 28 semi-detached units and 11 terraced houses with associated access roads, drainage and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), but to withhold the issue of the consent document until the applicant had entered into a legal agreement with the Council to secure (1) onsite affordable housing provision; (2) Strategic Transport Fund contributions; (3) developer contributions towards affordable housing, education facilities, community facilities and recreation and healthcare; and (4) the provision of a footpath along the western boundary of the application site on Fairley Road; and subject to the following conditions:-

(1)  That no more than 21 dwellinghouses (i.e. Phases 1 and 2 as shown on Drawing No AOL_208 rev. C) hereby granted permission shall be occupied unless (a) the new pedestrian footpath along the east side of Fairley Road has been provided and is available for use; (b) an RCC compliant road link and pedestrian footpath has been provided up to the eastern legal boundary of the application site as per Drawing No APL_205 rev H; and (c) the open space provision to the south of the access road (as shown on Drawing No APL_205 rev H) is completed and laid out in accordance with drawing no APL_301 rev I, and the Fairley Road planting schedule Rev A (unless otherwords agreed in writing by the planning authority).  The approved ‘public open space’ shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than as public open space; (2)  that no more than 40 dwellinghouses hereby granted permission shall be occupied unless all pedestrian footpaths shown on Drawing No APL_205 rev H have been constructed up to the legal boundary of the application site and are available for use; (3)  that plots 22-34 inclusive hereby approved shall not be occupied unless the car parking areas relative to those houses have been constructed, drained, laid-out and demarcated in accordance with Drawing No APL_205 rev H, or such other drawing as may subsequently be submitted and approved in writing by Aberdeen City Council as planning authority.  Such areas shall not thereafter be used for any other purpose other than the parking of cars ancillary to the development; (4)  that no development shall take place within the application site until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work which shall include post-excavation and publication work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation, such a programme shall be submitted in advance for the written approval of Aberdeen City Council as planning authority; (5)  that no development shall take place unless a bird hazard management plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by Aberdeen City Council as planning authority (in consultation with Aberdeen International Airport).  The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5