Issue - meetings

External Funding for Transport Projects

Meeting: 29/08/2017 - Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee (Item 33)

33 External Funding for Transport Projects 2017/2018 - CHI/17/189 pdf icon PDF 509 KB



Air Quality Action Plan


(i)         to note that Aberdeen City Council has been awarded funding from the Scottish Government to deliver projects outlined in the Air Quality Action Plan. Accept the funding and authorise the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to spend the funding in accordance with grant conditions and the Council’s procurement procedures, and as outlined in the main body of the report;


Electric Vehicle Fund


(ii)        to note that Aberdeen City Council has been successful in a bid to Transport Scotland’s Grant for Chargeplace Scotland Network 2017/18 fund.  Accept the funding and authorise the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to spend the funding in accordance with the grant conditions and the Council’s procurement procedures;


Cycling Scotland’s Cycle Friendly Employer Workplace Grants Fund 2017/18


(iii)       to note Cycling Scotland’s Cycle Friendly Employer Workplace Grants Fund potential to improve cycling provision within Marischal College and if an award is successfully granted, approve the expenditure of any funds successfully obtained;


Sustrans Cycle Parking Grant Scheme 2017


(iv)       to note that Aberdeen City Council has been successful in a bid to the Sustrans Cycle Parking Grant Scheme.  Accept the funding and authorise the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to spend the funding in accordance with the grant conditions and the Council’s procurement procedures;


Active Travel Action Plan Fund


(v)        to authorise the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to deliver the active travel projects from the Sustrans Active Travel Fund, as listed in the main body of the report and prioritised in the Active Travel Action Plan, in accordance with the grant conditions and the Council’s own procurement procedures;


(vi)       to authorise the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to seek appropriate match funding for the identified projects; and


(vii)      if match funding is successfully acquired, delegate authority to the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development, following consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to agree the terms of any Memorandum of Understanding with funding bodies.


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which advised of a number of external funding opportunities that have become available or will soon become available to the Council for transportation projects and, where these are successful, requests Committee approval to spend the funds obtained.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)       Note that Aberdeen City Council has been awarded funding from the Scottish Government to deliver projects outlined in the Air Quality Action Plan. Accept the funding and authorise officers to spend the funding in accordance with grant conditions and the Council’s procurement procedures, and as outlined in the main body of the report;

(b)       Note that Aberdeen City Council has been successful in a bid to Transport Scotland’s Grant for Chargeplace Scotland Network 2017/18 fund. Accept the funding and authorise officers to spend the funding in accordance with the grant conditions and the Council’s procurement procedures;

(c)       Note Cycling Scotland’s Cycle Friendly Employer Workplace Grants Fund potential to improve cycling provision within Marischal College and if an award is successfully granted, approve the expenditure of any funds successfully obtained;

(d)       Note that Aberdeen City Council has been successful in a bid to the Sustrans Cycle Parking Grant Scheme. Accept the funding and authorise officers to spend the funding in accordance with the grant conditions and the Council’s procurement procedures;

(e)       Authorise officers to deliver the active travel projects from the Sustrans Active Travel Fund, as listed in the main body of the report and prioritised in the Active Travel Action Plan, in accordance with the grant conditions and the Council’s own procurement procedures;

(f)        Authorise officers to seek appropriate match funding for the identified projects; and

(g)       If match funding is successfully acquired, delegate authority to the Interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development, following consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to agree the terms of any Memorandum of Understanding with funding bodies.


The Clerk advised that references to officers within the recommendations referred to the interim Head of Planning and Sustainable Development.


The Committee resolved:-

to agree the recommendations.