Issue - meetings

Requests for Deputation

Meeting: 20/09/2017 - Finance, Policy and Resources Committee (Item 4)

Requests for Deputation


in terms of Standing Order 13.5.6, to reject two requests for deputation on the basis that they are not competent as they fall into the category of deputations which relate to matters that have alternative procedures for representation.


The Committee were advised that two requests for deputation had been received from Steve Keenon and Aqeel Ajazi (The Alhikmah Foundation SCIO) relating to item 10.14 (Disposal of Nelson Street Pavilion and Playing Fields), article 42 of this minute refers, the latter of which failed to comply with the requirement to submit the request to the Clerk at least two full working days before the meeting (Standing Order 13.1 relates).


The Committee resolved:-

in terms of Standing Order 13.5.6, to reject both requests for deputation on the basis that they were not competent as they fall into the category of deputations which related to matters that had alternative procedures for representation.