Issue - meetings

Welcome from the Chair

Meeting: 09/10/2018 - Integration Joint Board (Item 1)

Welcome from the Chair


To note the information provided.


The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed Sandra Ross to her first Board meeting as Chief Officer of the Partnership. He advised that he had found both the Strategic Planning workshop and the Partnership’s annual conference to be very informative and noted that he received a good deal of assurance that the Board had sound governance arrangements in place following the Standards Commission’s IJB workshop on 24 September 2018. He explained that one of the key issues which had arisen from the Standards Commission workshop was the role of service user and carer representatives on IJBs and whether they felt valued. Gill Moffat confirmed that she and her colleagues had always felt valued on the Aberdeen City IJB.


The Chair also highlighted that Jenny Laing (Occupational Therapy, Bon Accord Care) had represented the Partnership during a roundtable meeting on housing adaptations held by the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Communities Committee on 3 October 2018 and recommended that Members watch the meeting as it was now available online Here.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to welcome Sandra Ross to her first Board meeting as Chief Officer of the Partnership;

(ii)           to thank all those involved with the organisation and delivery of the annual conference and Strategic Planning workshop;

(iii)          to thank Jenny Laing for representing the Partnership at the Local Government and Communities Committee on 3 October 2018.; and

(iv)          otherwise note the information provided.


Meeting: 28/08/2018 - Integration Joint Board (Item 1)

Welcome from the Chair


(i)           to welcome Prof Steve Heys and Kenneth Simpson onto the Board;

(ii)          to thank Dr Stephen Lynch and Olivia Cockburn for their contributions to the integration of health and social care in Aberdeen City;

(iii)         to welcome Sandra Ross as the Partnership’s new Chief Officer;

(iv)         to thank Sally Shaw for her leadership as interim Chief Officer and Head of Strategy and Transformation;

(v)          to commend Kenny O’Brien and his team on the continued improvement in delayed discharge performance; and

(vi)         to congratulate Cllr Imrie on the birth of her daughter and to send the Board’s best wishes to her and her family.



The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed Professor Steve Heys and Kenneth Simpson onto the Board and thanked departing members, Dr Stephen Lynch and Olivia Cockburn for their contributions to the integration of health and social care in Aberdeen City. He also advised that Sandra Ross would take up post as the new Chief Officer of the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership next week and thanked Sally Shaw for her leadership during her spells as both interim Chief Officer and Head of Strategy and Transformation.


The Chair informed the Board that Audit Scotland’s next report on health and social care integration was expected in November and encouraged all members to attend the IJB Developmental Workshop session on 18 September which would focus on the development of the new three-year Strategic Plan. He also highlighted the Partnership’s continued improvement in reducing the volume of delayed discharges and advised that for the first time ever, ACHSCP was amongst the top 25% performing partnerships in terms of delayed discharge performance.


The Chair also announced that Cllr Imrie had recently given birth to a baby girl and on behalf of the Board he sent congratulations and best wishes to her and her family. 


The Board resolved:-

(i)           to welcome Prof Steve Heys and Kenneth Simpson onto the Board;

(ii)          to thank Dr Stephen Lynch and Olivia Cockburn for their contributions to the integration of health and social care in Aberdeen City;

(iii)         to welcome Sandra Ross as the Partnership’s new Chief Officer;

(iv)         to thank Sally Shaw for her leadership as interim Chief Officer and Head of Strategy and Transformation;

(v)          to commend Kenny O’Brien and his team on the continued improvement in delayed discharge performance; and

(vi)         to congratulate Cllr Imrie on the birth of her daughter and to send the Board’s best wishes to her and her family.


Meeting: 22/05/2018 - Integration Joint Board (Item 1)

Welcome from the Chair


To note the information provided.


The Chair opened the meeting and advised that today’s meeting would be Dr Nick Fluck’s last before being replaced by Dr Steve Heys, and thanked him for his contributions to the Board and to integration of health and social care in Aberdeen City. The Chair explained that there was no workshop session after today’s meeting as a short-leet meeting had been arranged to consider prospective candidates for the Chief Officer post. He informed the Board that following the risk workshop on 24 April 2018, the Strategic Risk Register would not be reviewed at today’s meeting and suggested that the register be referred to the next Audit and Performance Systems Committee for further development.


The Chair also highlighted that Aberdeen City’s Learning Disability Strategy had recently been launched and expressed how humbled he had been to attend the event and see the values of the IJB on display at the launch.


The Board resolved:-

(i)           to thank Dr Nick Fluck for his services to the Board and his contribution towards the integration of health and social care in Aberdeen City;

(ii)          to refer the Strategic Risk Register to the next meeting of the Audit and Performance Systems Committee for further development; and

(iii)         otherwise note the information provided.