Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 16/01/2018 - Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee (Item 4)

Declarations of Interest


To note the declarations of interest intimated by Councillors Bell, Jackie Dunbar, MacDonald, Nicoll, and Jennifer Stewart.



Members were requested to intimate any declarations of interest for items on today’s agenda.


Councillor Jackie Dunbar declared an interest in item 10.4 (Shaping Middlefield Triangle) by virtue of her residency in the Middlefield area and would remain in the meeting during consideration of this item; and


Councillors Bell, Macdonald, Nicoll and Jennifer Stewart declared an interest in item 13.2 (Strategic Transport Study Update) by virtue of their membership of the Nestrans Board and all would remain in the meeting during consideration of this item.


The Committee resolved:-

To note the declarations of interest intimated by Councillors Bell, Jackie Dunbar, Macdonald, Nicoll and Jennifer Stewart.