Issue - meetings

Notices of Motion

Meeting: 16/01/2018 - Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee (Item 11)

Motion by Councillor McLellan

That Committee:-


1.    Notes that the island garden and trees at the corner of Don Street and Cheyne Road, within the Old Aberdeen conservation area were removed in late July 2017; and


2.      Instructs the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure to carry out an options appraisal for this site in consultation with Old Aberdeen Community Council, included in the options appraisal should be the costs and detail of restoring the island garden and trees to its original state and whether the options provided will have an impact on the Great Aberdeen Run, and thereafter report back their findings to the most appropriate committee. 



To agree the following terms of motion:-


(i)            Notes that the island garden and trees at the corner of Don Street and Cheyne Road, within the Old Aberdeen conservation area were removed in July 2017; and

(ii)          Instructs the interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure to carry out an options appraisal for this site in consultation with the Old Aberdeen Community Council, included in the options appraisal should be the costs and detail of finding out the long term solution for the site taking into account the needs of the Great Aberdeen Run and the local community, and thereafter report their findings to the most appropriate committee.


The Committee had before it the following notice of motion by Councillor McLellan.


That the Committee:-


1.            Notes that the island garden and trees at the corner of Don Street and Cheyne Road, within the Old Aberdeen conservation area were removed in late July 2017; and


2.            Instructs the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure to carry out an options appraisal for this site in consultation with Old Aberdeen Community Council, included in the options appraisal should be the costs and detail of restoring the island garden and trees to its original state and whether the options provided will have an impact on the Great Aberdeen Run, and thereafter report back their findings to the most appropriate committee. 



The Convener proposed a revision to the notice of motion which was accepted by Councillor McLelland;-


That the Committee:-


1.            Notes that the island garden and trees at the corner of Don Street and Cheyne Road, within the Old Aberdeen conservation area were removed in late July 2017; and


2.            Instruct the interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure to carry out an options appraisal for this site in consultation with the Old Aberdeen Community Council, included in the options appraisal should be the costs and detail of finding out the long term solution for the site taking into account the needs of the Great Aberdeen Run and the local community, and thereafter report their findings to the most appropriate committee.


The Committee resolved:-

To accept the terms of the revised notice of motion.