Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/01/2018 - Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee (Item 31)

31 Balnagask Motte Regeneration - CHI/17/307 pdf icon PDF 100 KB


(i)            to withdraw the report from today’s agenda; and

(ii)           to instruct the Head of Land and Property Assets to further review the legal and financial implications of the report prior to it being re-submitted to Committee for decision making.



The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which sought approval for improvements to the access arrangements and environment around this scheduled monument.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)          Approve the undertaking of procurement actions, tender acceptance actions and repair works to the retaining wall (to the north side) of the Motte and the surfacing of Baxter Street (between Baxter Place and Victoria Road);

(b)          Approve the allocation of funds, for these repair works, within the Housing Revenue Account capital budget for 2018/19;

(c)          Agree to the further engagement with those community groups and activists who have expressed an interest in the heritage and amenity of this monument and its adjacent areas;

(d)          Approve the undertaking of grant applications in support of the improvement of amenity of this monument and its adjacent areas, and the telling of the story of the monument; and

(e)          Approve confirmation of the delegated authority of the Head of Land and Property Assets (or equivalent) to accept offers of grant funds designed to improve the amenity of this monument and its adjacent areas, and the telling of the story of the monument. 


Following questions, the Committee agreed to defer decision making on this item in order for officers to provide further clarification on the legal and financial implications of this project to the Council.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to withdraw the report from today’s agenda; and

(ii)           to instruct the Head of Land and Property Assets to further review the legal and financial implications of the report prior to it being re-submitted to Committee for decision making.