Issue - meetings

Craigshaw Drive - Cycle Lanes

Meeting: 16/01/2018 - Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee (Item 29)

29 Craigshaw Drive - Cycle Lanes - CHI/17/284 pdf icon PDF 569 KB


(i)           to note the option development and appraisal process carried out to date;

(ii)          to agree the outline design which has emerged from this process, indicated in Appendix 7; and

(iii)         to instruct the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to continue with the detailed design and report back to this, or replacement committee with the detailed design, cost, estimates and possible funding sources for future implementation in 2018-19.



The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which advised of an options appraisal being undertaken to inform cycle improvements on Craigshaw Drive sought approval to continue to develop a detailed design for further consideration.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)          Note the option development and appraisal process carried out to date;

(b)          Agree the outline design which has emerged from this process, indicated in Appendix 7; and

(c)          Instruct the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development to continue with the detailed design and report back to this, or replacement committee with the detailed design, cost, estimates and possible funding sources for future implementation in 2018-19.


The Committee resolved:-

To approve the recommendations.