Issue - meetings

Disposal of former St Peter's Nursery, Spital - CHI/17/318

Meeting: 01/02/2018 - Finance, Policy and Resources Committee (Item 30)

Disposal of Former St Peter's Nursery, Spital - CHI/17/318

Additional documents:


to approve the recommendations contained within the exempt report.


The Committee had before it a report by the interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which advised members of the outcome of the marketing in relation to the property known as Former St Peters Nursery, Spital and the offers subsequently received.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       accept the offer submitted by a company recommended in the report;

(b)       instruct the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to conclude missives for the sale of the property incorporating various qualifications as are necessary to protect the Council’s interest.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.