Issue - meetings

Petition In Regards to Cycle Paths on Union Street

Meeting: 19/04/2018 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 7)

Petition In Regards to Cycle Paths on Union Street

We the undersigned petition the Council to build a protected bicycle path on Union Street Aberdeen so that people of all ages and capabilities can ride bikers in safety.  The protected path must be separated from motor vehicles by a physical barrier.


The Committee resolved:-

to request that a report be brought back to Committee in regards to the feasibility of cycle paths on Union Street, subject to consultation from the City Centre Masterplan, and to include information on a potential dedicated segregated cycle lane.


The Committee had before it the following petition which had been submitted by the lead petitioner, Ms Rachel Martin.


“We the undersigned petition the Council to build a protected bicycle path on Union Street Aberdeen so that people of all ages and capabilities can ride bikes in safety.  The protected path must be separated from motor vehicles by a physical barrier.”


The Convener explained the process and invited the petitioners to present their case to the Committee.


Ms Martin explained that as a cyclist, it was very unpleasant to be on the road with large vehicles behind and asked the Committee to think of people of all ages when thinking about cyclists, from school children to elderly people.  She highlighted that having a safe space available for cyclists was one of the most important factors in people’s decision to ride a bike.


Ms Martin made reference to a government study which found that for every £1 spent on cycling infrastructure, £5.50 was returned back to the community in benefits.


Ms Martin also explained that Union Street was at the heart of Aberdeen and was polluted due to the over use of vehicles, which could be helped with the use of cycle lanes.  A segregated cycle path would encourage many users and noted that active travel was very important.  Ms Martin also indicated that a cycle path on Union Street could be the start of many cycle paths in Aberdeen. 


Ms Martin advised that she had generated a lot of support with her petition and concluded that a segregated cycle lane would be a great asset to both Union Street and Aberdeen.


Members then asked the petitioner a number of questions whereby Ms Martin advised that she would forward a link to the clerk for dissemination to Members in regards to the cost benefit analysis for cycling infrastructure.


Members then asked Joanna Murray, Team Leader Transportation Strategy and Programmes a number of questions.  Ms Murray advised that as part of the City Centre Masterplan, a draft sustainable plan report had been brought together.  Ms Murray explained that the report identified Union Street as one for pedestrians only and the principle of segregated facilities had been established through the active plan.


The Committee resolved:-

to request that a report be brought back to Committee in regards to the feasibility of cycle paths on Union Street, subject to consultation from the City Centre Masterplan, and to include information on a potential dedicated segregated cycle lane.