Issue - meetings

Involvement with the Housing LLP

Meeting: 24/04/2018 - City Growth and Resources Committee (Item 16)

Shaping Aberdeen Housing LLP - RES/18/006


to approve the recommendations in the exempt report subject to:-

(1)     amending recommendation 2.7 to read “instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to liaise with Shaping Aberdeen Housing LLP in relation to taking the necessary legal steps to wind it up”;

(2)     amending recommendation 2.9 to read “subject to approval of recommendation 2.8, agrees to delegate authority to the Director of Resources in consultation with the Convener and Vice-Convener of City Growth and Resources Committee to approve the finalised financial model as outlined within the report; and

(3)     deleting the words “and the Chief Officer – Governance” at recommendation 2.11(b).



With reference to article 3 of the minute of meeting of Council of 6 March 2018, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which provided details in relation to the Council’s involvement with the Housing LLP and addressed an earlier action opportunity for new build Council housing.


The report recommended:-

(a)       note the progress achieved in relation to the Shaping Aberdeen Housing LLP programme for delivery of affordable housing (mainly mid-market rent);

(b)       note that Shaping Aberdeen Housing LLP, due to current and projected supply and demand factors, has brought forward an updated financial model using rent levels lower than those in the original proposals agreed by the Council at its meeting on 15th March 2017;

(c)       note that, in relation to the proposed project on the site of the former Summerhill Education Centre, the effect of these reduced rent levels is to reduce the sum offered for the site by the LLP as outlined within the report at section 2.3;

(d)       agree that the reduced sum as outlined within the report at section 2.4 for the Summerhill site, having been reviewed by Council officers, is not considered an acceptable price;

(e)       agree that disposal of the site at the reduced sum as outlined within the report at section 2.6 should not proceed and that this decision is communicated to Shaping Aberdeen Housing LLP;

(f)        agree not to proceed further with the Shaping Aberdeen Housing LLP programme and that this decision is communicated to Shaping Aberdeen Housing LLP; and

(g)       instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to take the necessary legal steps to wind up the Shaping Aberdeen Housing LLP.


Council housing new build proposals - Recommendation related to Capital Programme Committee


(h)       refer the report to the Capital Programme Committee on 23 May 2018, for approval to proceed with the Summerhill site as outlined within the report at section 2.8.


Council housing new build proposals - Recommendations to City Growth and Resources Committee and Capital Programme Committee


(i)        subject to approval of recommendation (h) above agrees to delegate authority to the Director of Resources to approve the finalised financial model as outlined within the report a section 2.9; and

(j)         subject to approval of recommendation (h) above agrees to delegate authority to the Director of Resources, in conjunction with the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord and Chief Officer – Governance, to agree the value of the General Fund Summerhill site and to seek Scottish Government consents as may be necessary.


Recommendations Relating to the Strategic Commissioning Committee


(k)       agree to refer the report to the Strategic Commissioning Committee on 30 April 2018 for approval of the following recommendations subject to approval of recommendation (h) above by the Capital Programme Committee on 23 May 2018:-


(1)       agree to tender for the development and construction works as outlined within the report at section 2.11(a); and

(2)       delegate authority to the Director of Resources, following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services and the Chief  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16