Issue - meetings

Welcome from the Convener

Meeting: 10/10/2018 - Public Protection Committee (Item 1)

Welcome from the Convener


(i)             to welcome Cllr Alphonse onto the Committee;

(ii)           to thank Cllr McLellan for his contribution to the Committee; and

(iii)          to thank Iain Robertson for his support during the Committee’s development and to wish him well in his new role with the Council.



The Convener welcomed Cllr Alphonse onto the Committee and thanked Cllr McLellan for his previous contribution to the Committee. She also advised that this would be Iain Robertson’s last meeting as Clerk before taking up a new role within the Council, and she thanked him for his support during the Committee’s development and wished him well for the future.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to welcome Cllr Alphonse onto the Committee;

(ii)           to thank Cllr McLellan for his contribution to the Committee; and

(iii)          to thank Iain Robertson for his support during the Committee’s development and to wish him well in his new role with the Council.


Meeting: 09/05/2018 - Public Protection Committee (Item 1)

Welcome from the Convener


The Convener opened the meeting and welcomed members to the first meeting of the Public Protection Committee. She highlighted the importance of members, officers and the wider public and third sectors working collaboratively together to achieve the broadest sense of public protection for the people of Aberdeen. Thereafter she thanked the Vice Convener and officers for their ongoing support in the Committee’s establishment and continued development.


The Committee resolved:-

To note the information provided.