Issue - meetings

Annual Report

Meeting: 09/10/2018 - Integration Joint Board (Item 9)

9 IJB Meeting Dates 2019-20 pdf icon PDF 225 KB


(i)          to approve the IJB meeting schedule for 2019-20;

(ii)        to approve the stand-alone developmental workshop schedule for 2019-20;

(iii)       to instruct the Chief Officer to publish the IJB meeting schedule on the Partnership’s website; and

(iv)       to instruct the Chief Officer to make appropriate arrangements for Members with mobility issues to ensure they can attend Development Workshop sessions out with the Health Village.



The Board had before it a report by Iain Robertson (Committee Services Officer, ACC) which proposed meeting and developmental workshop schedules for the Board for 2019-20.


The report recommended:-

That the Board-

(a)           Approve the IJB meeting schedule for 2019-20;

(b)           Approve the stand-alone developmental workshop schedule for 2019-20; and

(c)           Instruct the Chief Officer to publish the IJB meeting schedule on the Partnership’s website.


Iain Robertson proposed the following dates for IJB business meetings and developmental workshop sessions:-


IJB Business Meetings:


10:00am,11 June 2019 - Health Village;

10:00am, 3 September 2019 - Health Village;

10:00am, 19 November 2019 - Health Village;

10:00am, 21 January 2020 - Health Village;

10:00am, 11 February 2020 (Budget Meeting) - Health Village;

10:00am, 10 March 2020 (Provisional 2nd Budget Meeting) - Health Village; and

10:00am, 24 March 2020 - Health Village.


Developmental Workshop Sessions:


10:00am, 16 April 2019 - Foresterhill Health Centre;

10:00am, 13 August 2019 - Seminar Room, Woodend Hospital;

10:00am, 8 October 2019 - 4 – W – 01 Marischal College; and

10:00am, 3 December 2019 - Lewis Room, Royal Cornhill Hospital.


Thereafter there was discussion on the best way of ensuring that workshop venues across the city were accessible to all IJB members and officers, particularly those with mobility issues.


The Board resolved:-

(i)          to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)        to instruct the Chief Officer to make appropriate arrangements for Members with mobility issues to ensure they can attend Developmental Workshop sessions out with the Health Village.


Meeting: 28/08/2018 - Integration Joint Board (Item 14)

14 Annual Report pdf icon PDF 235 KB

Additional documents:


(i)         to approve the ACHSCP Annual Report 2017-18;

(ii)        to agree that the annual report should be published on the Partnership’s website;

(iii)        to instruct the Chief Officer to present the approved annual report to Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian;

(iv)      to request that an update on the Care Inspectorate’s inspection of adult social care services be inserted into the Annual Plan, with a note explaining that an action plan was being developed;

(v)       to note that performance monitoring was within the remit of the APS Committee, and following submissions to the Committee, a progress update on performance would be circulated to IJB members for assurance purposes;

(vi)      to request that the Annual Plan be circulated to all Aberdeen City community councils for information; and

(vii)    to thank all Partnership staff for their work over the past year.




The Board had before it a report by Kevin Toshney (Planning and Development Manager, ACHSCP) which presented the Partnership’s annual report for approval.


The report recommended:-

That the Board –

(a)          Approve the ACHSCP Annual Report 2017-18;

(b)          Agree that this annual report should be published on the Partnership’s website; and

(c)          Instruct the Chief Officer to present the approved annual report to Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian.


Kevin Toshney explained that the Partnership was statutorily required to publish an annual report and advised that the Partnership had delivered a reasonable standard of performance with areas of strength including (1) reductions in the number of delayed discharges; (2) reductions in the number of emergency admissions to hospital; and (3) an increase the number of commissioned services rated as good or better. However, he outlined a number of areas where improvement was needed including (1) the number of hospital readmissions after 28 days; (2) the percentage of carers feeling supported; and (3) the overall life expectancy for people living in Aberdeen was lower than the Scottish average. Mr Toshney informed the Board that an action plan would be developed by the Performance Management Group to address areas which required improvement and confirmed that performance would be monitored by the Audit and Performance Systems Committee.

Thereafter there were questions and comments on (1) the consultation process undertaken for the annual report, with particular reference to the level of engagement with community councils; (2) the robustness of carers data within the report as it was relatively historic; (3) how the Partnership intended to evidence improvement and monitor the achievement of outcomes; and (4) whether the Partnership was in a position to report the findings of the Care Inspectorate’s inspection of adult social care services and its proposed response within the final version of the annual report. Mr Toshney advised that a brief update would be added to this year’s Annual Plan, with a more detailed response to be included in next year’s Annual Plan to capture the findings of the recently completed follow up inspection.

The Board resolved:-

(i)         to approve the ACHSCP Annual Report 2017-18;

(ii)        to agree that the Annual Report should be published on the Partnership’s website;

(iii)        to instruct the Chief Officer to present the approved annual report to Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian;

(iv)      to request that an update on the Care Inspectorate’s inspection of adult social care services be inserted into the Annual Report, with a note explaining that an action plan was being developed;

(v)       to note that performance monitoring was within the remit of the APS Committee, and following submissions to the Committee, a progress update on performance would be circulated to IJB members for assurance purposes;

(vi)      to request that the Annual Report be circulated to all Aberdeen City community councils for information; and

(vii)    to thank all Partnership staff for their work over the previous year.