Issue - meetings

Food Charter

Meeting: 09/10/2018 - Integration Joint Board (Item 14)

14 Strategic Plan Review pdf icon PDF 226 KB

Additional documents:


(i)          to note the draft Strategic Plan;

(ii)        to agree for a draft consultation version of the Strategic Plan 2019-2022 to be presented to the next IJB meeting;

(iii)       to request that Members submit any editorial issues to Kevin Toshney ahead of publication of the Consultation Draft;

(iv)       to request that more emphasis on prevention and empowering patients/service users be included within the Consultation Draft;

(v)        to request that more detail on staff development and the Ethical Care Charter be included within the Consultation Draft;

(vi)       to review the table on p155 with a view to making it easier to understand for all readers; and

(vii)     to request that  greater references are made to health inequalities and Aberdeen City Council’s Anti-Poverty Strategy within the Consultation Draft.



The Board had before it a report by Kevin Toshney which presented an initial working draft of the Strategic Plan 2019-2022 for consideration.


The report recommended:-

That the Board –

(a)           Note the draft Strategic Plan; and

(b)           Agree for a draft consultation version of the Strategic Plan 2019-2022 to be presented to the next IJB meeting.


Kevin Toshney advised that the Board was statutorily required to produce a Strategic Plan to replace the existing three-year plan which was due to expire in March 2019. Mr Toshney provided an overview of the governance milestones and the engagement activity the Partnership had undertaken to inform the refreshed three year plan and advised that a new suite of indicators would be developed to monitor the achievement of priority areas. He added that following the refresh of the Strategic Plan, the Partnership would review its portfolio of strategic documents.


Thereafter there were questions and comments on (1) ensuring that future commissioning practice would include solutions co-designed and co-produced with partners and communities; (2) including more information within the Plan on staff development and the Board’s endorsement of the Ethical Care Charter; (3) making the Plan as easy to read and user-friendly as possible; (4) re-emphasising the priority that patients and service users are empowered to manage their own health care; (5) ensuring that the Plan aligned with the Primary Care Improvement Plan; (6) making greater reference to tackling inequalities and the role of unpaid carers in this regard; (7) making reference to the Council’s Anti-Poverty Strategy as a way to tackle health inequalities and to achieve strategic coherence with key partners; and (8) the importance of engaging with people who did not regularly use health and social care services before the age of 65.


The Board resolved:-

(i)         to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)        to request that Members submit any editorial issues to Kevin Toshney ahead of publication of the Consultation Draft;

(iii)       to request that more emphasis on prevention and empowering patients/service users be included within the Consultation Draft;

(iv)      to request that more detail on staff development and the Ethical Care Charter be included within the Consultation Draft;

(v)        to review the table on p155 with a view to making it easier to understand for all readers; and

(vi)      to request that greater references are made to health inequalities and Aberdeen City Council’s Anti-Poverty Strategy within the Consultation Draft.