Issue - meetings

Community Food Growing Spaces

Meeting: 12/09/2018 - Capital Programme Committee (Item 6)

6 Community Food Growing Spaces - PLA/18/062 pdf icon PDF 913 KB


(i)       to note the progress to date, including successes in attracting external donations and in-kind contributions to support the original Community Food-growing Programme and the on-going consultations with the Food Growing Steering Group;

(ii)      to delegate authority to the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to amend the remainder of the Community Food-growing Programme should priorities and feasibilities change and to promote the programme inviting applications from areas outwith the targeted localities where they link to the socio-economic disadvantaged aspect of the programme;

(iii)      to instruct the Chief Officer Strategic Place Planning to investigate external funding opportunities to extend the Community Food-growing Programme into a self-funded model and to report this to a future meeting of the City Growth and Resources Committee in a years’ time; and

(iv)     to approve a grant of £6,000 from the food growing programme to Bonnymuir Green Community Trust.



The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer Strategic Place Planning which provided an update on the progress of the Community Food Growing Programme and sought the necessary approvals to support new projects.


The report recommended:

That the Committee -

(a)      note the progress to date, including successes in attracting external donations and in-kind contributions to support the original Community Food-growing Programme and the on-going consultations with the Food Growing Steering Group;

(b)      to delegate authority to the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to amend the remainder of the Community Food-growing Programme should priorities and feasibilities change; and

(c)      to instruct the Chief Officer Strategic Place Planning to investigate external funding opportunities to extend the Community Food-growing Programme into a self-funded model and to report this to a future meeting of the City Growth and Resources Committee in a years’ time.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)       to approve recommendations (a) and (c)

(ii)      to delegate authority to the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to amend the remainder of the Community Food-growing Programme should priorities and feasibilities change and to promote the programme inviting applications from areas outwith the targeted localities where they link to the socio-economic disadvantaged aspect of the programme; and

(iii)      to approve a grant of £6,000 from the food growing programme to Bonnymuir Green Community Trust.