Issue - meetings

Appointment of a Joint Chair for Adult and Child Protection Committees

Meeting: 10/10/2018 - Public Protection Committee (Item 14)

14 Appointment of a Joint Chair for Adult and Child Protection Committees - OPE/18/166 pdf icon PDF 79 KB


To note the proposal to appoint a joint Independent Chair of Aberdeen City’s Adult Protection Committee and Child Protection Committee.



The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Operating Officer which advised of the intention to appoint a joint Independent Chair of Aberdeen City’s Adult Protection Committee and Child Protection Committee.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee endorse the proposal to appoint a joint Independent Chair of Aberdeen City’s Adult Protection Committee and Child Protection Committee.


Graeme Simpson (Chief Social Work Officer) updated the Committee that all three Grampian councils had agreed to appoint a single Chairperson who could chair all the Adult and Child Protection Committees throughout the Grampian region. He added that a recruitment advert would be published later this week, and following a competitive recruitment process, it was hoped that a preferred candidate would be identified before the end of 2018.


The Committee resolved:-

To note the proposal to appoint a joint Independent Chair of Aberdeen City’s Adult Protection Committee and Child Protection Committee.