Issue - meetings

Financial Regulations

Meeting: 13/11/2018 - Risk, Audit and Performance Committee (Item 7)

7 Financial Regulations pdf icon PDF 209 KB

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The Committee had before it a report by Alex Stephen (Chief Finance Officer, ACHSCP) which presented a revised version of the IJB’s Financial Regulations for approval.


The report recommended:

That the Committee approve the revised Financial Regulations, as set out in  Appendix A.


Alex Stephen advised that there were two major changes to the financial regulations those being a change to reflect that the IJB had a reserves strategy which was reviewed annually and in relation to grants that officers could use delegated powers to apply for grants quickly without requiring IJB approval each time.


He further advised that in relation to reporting on amounts set aside for hospital services that at present the information was supplied once per year and not quarterly as required and that this was due to the requirement for a suitable system to be in place nationally.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)       to approve the recommendation contained in the report; and

(ii)      to note the information provided.