Issue - meetings


Meeting: 05/12/2018 - Public Protection Committee (Item 8)

8 Response in relation to enforcement elements of the Scottish Government Consultation on Reducing Health Harms of Foods High in Fat, Sugar or Salt - OPE/18/298 pdf icon PDF 127 KB


(i)            to approve the consultation response at Appendix A;

(ii)          to instruct the Chief Officer Operations to submit the consultation response on behalf of Aberdeen City Council; and

(iii)         to acknowledge COSLA’s position that additional financial resources would be required from the Scottish Government in order to deliver the proposal to address the potential impact on other public health controls currently delivered by the Environmental Health Service.


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Operating Officer whichsought approval to submit the proposed response in relation to the enforcement elements of the consultation as appended to the report.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)          approve the consultation response at Appendix A;

(b)          instruct the Chief Operating Officer to submit the consultation response on behalf of Aberdeen City Council; and

(c)          acknowledge that additional financial resources might be required in order to deliver this proposal to address the potential impact on other public health controls currently delivered by the Environmental Health Service.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener moved:-

            That the Committee -

(1)          approve recommendations (a) and (b); and

(2)          acknowledge COSLA’s position that additional financial          resources would be required from the Scottish Government in order to deliver the proposal to address the potential impact on other public health controls currently delivered by the Environmental Health Service.


Councillor Cameron, seconded by Councillor Alphonse, moved as an amendment:-

That the Committee approve the recommendations contained within the report.


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (6) – the Convener; the Vice Convener, and Councillors Bell, Delaney, Donnelly and Duncan; for the amendment (3) – Councillors Alphonse, Cameron and Townson.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.