Issue - meetings

Performance Monitoring

Meeting: 11/12/2018 - Integration Joint Board (Item 11)

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(i)            to thank Alison MacLeod for the work which had been undertaken to move forward the discussion around performance monitoring;

(ii)          in respect of readmissions (paragraph 3.17 in the report), to note that work was being undertaken, including discussions with partnerships who had reduced readmissions, and to note that the resulting action plan would be reported to the Clinical Care and Governance Committee;

(iii)         to approve the proposals in relation to the performance monitoring approach and timescales as described in paragraphs 3.6 and 3.11 to 3.14 of the report;

(iv)         to note the commentary in relation to the red indicators from the Annual Report which was reported to the IJB  on 28 August 2018 in paragraph 3.14 of the report; and

(v)          to instruct the Lead Strategy and Performance Manager to develop a local survey to provide robust and relevant feedback from those who use our services.


The Board had before it a report by Alison MacLeod, Lead Strategy and Performance Manager, which provided an update on current developments and future proposals in relation to performance monitoring.


Ms MacLeod explained that work had been undertaken to map the performance indicators to the strategic priorities, and the recommendations set out the proposals for how reporting would be undertaken in future.  It was proposed that high-level indicators would be reported to the Board, with other indicators reports to the Clinical Care and Governance and Audit and Performance Systems Committees, with the opportunity for matters to be escalated to the IJB if required.  Work was also being undertaken on the role and remit for the Clinical Care and Governance Committee.


Thereafter, there followed questions and comments in respect of whether benchmarking would be useful; the likely requirement for some self-assessment; and the figures in respect of the numbers of re-admissions.  It was noted that it would not be possible to benchmark against all the indicators and benchmarking would not necessarily ensure that the partnership was satisfying its statutory requirements or the delivery of the Strategic Plan.  In relation to re-admissions, Ms MacLeod advised that an action plan was being prepared, and that links had been made with partnerships who had managed to reduce re-admissions.  It was noted that the action plan would eventually be reported to the Clinical Care and Governance Committee.


The report recommended:-

that the Board –

(a)      approve the proposals in relation to the performance monitoring approach and timescales as described in paragraphs 3.11 to 3.14 of the report; and

(b)      note the commentary in relation to the red indicators from the Annual Report which was reported to the IJB on 28 August 2018 in paragraph 3.14 of the report; and

(c)       instruct the Lead Strategy and Performance Manager to develop a local survey to provide robust and relevant feedback from those who use our services.


The Board resolved:-

(i)        to thank Alison MacLeod for the work which had been undertaken to move forward the discussion around performance monitoring;

(ii)       in respect of re-admissions (paragraph 3.17 in the report), to note that work was being undertaken, including discussions with partnerships who had reduced re-admissions, and to note that the resulting action plan would be reported to the Clinical Care and Governance Committee;

(iii)      to approve the recommendations, subject to amending recommendation (a) above to read “to approve the proposals in relation to the performance monitoring approach and timescales as described in paragraphs 3.6 and 3.11 to 3.14 of the report”.