Issue - meetings

Draft Commissioning Brief for Strategic Planning Process for Care of the Elderly - to follow

Meeting: 11/12/2018 - Integration Joint Board (Item 15)

15 Strategic Planning Framework for Delegated Services (Acute) pdf icon PDF 222 KB

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The Board had before it a report by the Chief Officer which presented a proposed strategic planning framework for those services delegated by NHS Grampian to integration authorities for cross-system strategic planning across Grampian.


In respect of the proposal that approval for the Commissioning Brief and the final draft of the Strategic Plan be undertaken by the North East Partnership Steering Group, Members sought clarification about the decision-making powers of that Group and when it was due to meet, noting with concern that it had not been meeting.  In response to queries from Board Members around the use of an independent representative to oversee the planning process, the Chief Officer advised that there would be facilitated workshops with representation from the Acute Sector and the three IJBs.  Members also sought clarification around the financial risk if there was to be an overspend and officers advised that it would be understood going into the workshops and the process that there was no additional funding available.


In relation to the recommendations contained in the report:-

that the Board accept the proposed approach to planning for delegated services, which was outlined in the report as follows:-

(a)      to endorse the recommended Framework which had been developed jointly by the Chief Officers and the Strategic Planning Groups within Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City and Moray Health and Social Care Partnerships;

(b)      to note that the Framework required those IJBs which had host responsibility to lead on the commissioning of strategic plans, and this would be done in consultation with all IJBs; and

(c)       to note that the Framework would be initially tested and revised as appropriate in the coming months with the development of the strategic framework for the provision of care to the elderly population linked to the service hosted by Aberdeen City,


Members agreed that they would not be content with approving an untested process and agreed to amend the recommendations.


The Board resolved:-

(i)        to note that the Chair and Chief Officer would write to the Chief Executive of NHS Grampian to ascertain when the North East Partnership Steering Group would meet; and

(ii)       to approve the approach set out in the report as a working draft proposal, and to instruct the Chief Officer to report back to the IJB for formal endorsement of the approach within six months, following review of the draft process and subject to receiving clarification on the North East Partnership Steering Group and its role and remit.