Issue - meetings

Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest

Meeting: 06/07/2023 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 3)

Declarations of Interest or Connections.


No declarations of interest or connections were intimated. 

Meeting: 16/05/2023 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 2)

Declarations of Interest


Councillor Brooks noted the following transparency statement:-


·       In relation to item 11.1 on the agenda, Participatory Budgeting, that he was the Chairperson of TLC who had been supported by ACVO, who were referenced in the report.  Councillor Brooks did not consider that this connection amounted to an interest which would prevent him from participating in the consideration of that item.



Members were requested to intimate any declarations of interest or transparency statements in respect of the items on today’s agenda, thereafter the following was intimated:-


Councillor Brooks noted the following transparency statement:-


·       In relation to item 11.1 on the agenda, Participatory Budgeting, that he was the Chairperson of TLC who had been supported by ACVO, who were referenced in the report.  Councillor Brooks did not consider that this connection amounted to an interest which would prevent him from participating in the consideration of that item.


Meeting: 31/08/2022 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 3)

Declarations of interest or connections


Councillor Brooks advised that he had a connection in relation to agenda item 10.10 (Supporting People Through the Cost of living Crisis) as he was a trustee of a Foodbank.   However having applied the objective test he did not consider that he had an interest and would not withdraw from the meeting when the item was considered.




Councillor Brooks advised that he had a connection in relation to agenda item 10.10 (Supporting People Through the Cost of living Crisis) by virtue of him being a trustee of a Foodbank.   However, having applied the objective test he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting during consideration of the item.


Meeting: 16/09/2021 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 1)

Declarations of interest


Councillor Lesley Dunbar declared an interest in relation to item 10.12 on the agenda, Food Insecurity report, due to being a board member of CFINE and also the Chairperson for Sustainable Food Places.  Councillor Lesley Dunbar did not feel it necessary to withdraw from the meeting.


Councillor Macdonald declared an interest in relation to item 10.4, Community Learning and Development Plan 2021-24 as a member of WEA.  Councillor Macdonald did not feel it necessary to withdraw from the meeting. 


Councillor Macdonald declared an interest in relation to item 10.4, Community Learning and Development Plan 2021-24 as a member of WEA but did not feel it necessary to withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the item. 


Councillor Lesley Dunbar declared an interest in relation to item 10.12 on the agenda, Food Insecurity report, due to being a board member of CFINE and also the Chairperson for Sustainable Food Places but did not feel it necessary to withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the item.


Councillor McLellan also declared an interest in relation to item 10.12 on the agenda, Food Insecurity report, as he was a member of the Fair Trade Board, but did not feel it necessary to withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the item.



Meeting: 17/01/2019 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 2)

Declarations of Interest


Councillor Lumsden declared an interest in relation to item 15 on the Committee Business Planner, Gray Street and Salisbury Terrace, as a resident of Gray Street.  Councillor Lumsden noted that there was not a substantive report on the agenda and such, would remain in the meeting during consideration of the planner.


Councillor Lumsden declared an interest in relation to item 15 on the Committee Business Planner, Gray Street and Salisbury Terrace, as a resident of Gray Street.  Councillor Lumsden noted that there was not a substantive report on the agenda and as such, would remain in the meeting during consideration of the planner.


The Committee resolved:-

to note the declaration of interest from Councillor Lumsden.