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Meeting: 23/01/2024 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 3)

Notice of Motion - Councillor Kusznir - referred from Council on 13 December 2023

1.       Instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord, following consultation with the Chief Officer - People and Organisational Development, to develop a separate or single-sex space policy for Aberdeen City Council that ensures the protection of separate or single sex spaces in Council owned and operated buildings;

2.       Further instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to submit said policy to a 2024 Council meeting for consideration and approval; and

3.       Believes that consideration should be given to applying the policy to the following:


??????3.2??domestic violence refuges; and

??????3.3??changing rooms.


(i)             to agree no action on the Notice of Motion; and

(ii)            to request that a Service Update be issued which would incorporate information from partner agencies in relation to domestic abuse and women’s refuges.   


The Committee had before it a notice of motion from Councillor Kusznir in the following terms, which had been referred from Council on 13 December 2023. 


That the Council:-

1.    Instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord, following consultation with the Chief Officer - People and Organisational Development, to develop a separate or single-sex space policy for Aberdeen City Council that ensures the protection of separate or single sex spaces in Council owned and operated buildings;

2.    Further instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to submit said policy to a 2024 Council meeting for consideration and approval; and

3.    Believes that consideration should be given to applying the policy to the following:

3.1 toilets;

3.2 domestic violence refuges; and

3.3 changing rooms.


Councillor Kusznir spoke in furtherance of his notice of motion.


Councillor Kusznir moved, seconded by Councillor Crockett:-

          that the Committee approve the notice of motion.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener, moved as an amendment:-

          that the Committee:-

(i)             agree no action on the notice of motion; and

(ii)            request that a Service Update be issued which would incorporate information from partner agencies in relation to domestic abuse and women’s refuges.  


On a division, there voted – for the motion (6) – Councillors Brooks, Crockett, Cross, Lawrence, Mrs Stewart and Tissera – for the amendment (7) – the Convener, the Vice Convener, Councillor Delaney, the Depute Provost and Councillors Copland, Davidson, Greig and McLellan.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the amendment.


Councillor Mrs Stewart intimated her dissent against the foregoing decision in accordance with Standing Order 32.8.


Meeting: 14/11/2023 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 3)

Busking - Notice of Motion from Councillor Macdonald

That the Committee -

1.    Notes that busking and other street performers can bring vibrancy, help create a good atmosphere and bring pleasure to people, both local and visitors;

2.    Notes that for those working or living in the city centre, busking can sometimes become intrusive or a nuisance;

3.    Notes the guidance on Dundee, Glasgow and Edinburgh councils websites regarding busking;

4.    Acknowledges that the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) are working on a code of practice for Aberdeen City centre;

5.    Instructs the Chief Officer – Early Intervention and Community Empowerment to ensure that city centre buskers, businesses, Police Scotland, elected members, community councils, residents and other city centre partner organisations are consulted in developing a Busking Code of Practice for Aberdeen City centre and report back to the January 2024 Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee with an update on the progress of the proposed Busking Code of Practice for Aberdeen City. 

-          Councillor Sandra Macdonald



The Committee resolved:-

to approve the Notice of Motion.


The Committee had before it a notice of motion from Councillor Macdonald in the following terms:-


That the Committee -

1.    Notes that busking and other street performers can bring vibrancy, help create a good atmosphere and bring pleasure to people, both local and visitors;

2.    Notes that for those working or living in the city centre, busking can sometimes become intrusive or a nuisance;

3.    Notes the guidance on Dundee, Glasgow and Edinburgh Councils’ websites regarding busking;

4.    Acknowledges that the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) are working on a code of practice for Aberdeen City centre; and

5.    Instructs the Chief Officer – Early Intervention and Community Empowerment to ensure that city centre buskers, businesses, Police Scotland, elected members, community councils, residents and other city centre partner organisations are consulted in developing a Busking Code of Practice for Aberdeen City centre and report back to the January 2024 Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee with an update on the progress of the proposed Busking Code of Practice for Aberdeen City. 


Councillor Macdonald spoke in furtherance of her notice of motion.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the Notice of Motion.


Meeting: 16/05/2023 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 5)

Notice of Motion by Councillor Tissera - referred from Council meeting of 26 April 2023.

·         Notes the decision taken by the Administration to deny the public a voice at the last Council meeting.

·         Notes the Administration have agreed to shut 6 well-loved libraries in our city, 2 of which are in the ward of Councillor Hazel Cameron.

·         Notes that libraries are community facilities with many uses, including helping teach children to read and notes Aberdeen City Council’s active support for libraries on their website specifically saying children are never too young to join the library.

  • Notes the words used by Councillor Hazel Cameron when defending library closures “that buildings will not teach your children to read” and strongly disagrees with this position.
  • Affirms the benefits of libraries in helping children learn to read.



The Committee resolved:-

in terms of Standing Order 34.1, this matter was referred to the Council for consideration.



With reference to article 19 of the minute of the meeting of Council of 26 April 2023, the Committee had before it a Notice of Motion by Councillor Tissera in the following terms:-


That the Committee agrees to:-

·       Note the decision taken by the Administration to deny the public a voice at the last Council meeting;

·       Note the Administration have agreed to shut 6 well-loved libraries in our city, 2 of which are in the ward of Councillor Hazel Cameron;

·       Note that libraries are community facilities with many uses, including helping teach children to read and note Aberdeen City Council’s active support for libraries on their website specifically saying children are never too young to join the library;

·       Note the words used by Councillor Hazel Cameron when defending library closures “that buildings will not teach your children to read” and strongly disagrees with this position; and

·       Affirm the benefits of libraries in helping children learn to read.


Councillor Tissera moved her Notice of Motion and explained the rationale behind her request. Councillor Bonsell seconded the Notice of Motion.


The Convener, seconded by Councillor Greig, moved as an amendment:-

that the Committee take no action.


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (6) – Councillors Bonsell, Brooks, Cross, Graham, Mrs Stewart and Thomson; for the amendment (7) – the Convener, the Vice Convener and Councillors Clark, Copland, Delaney, the Depute Provost, Greig and McLellan.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the amendment.


In terms of Standing Order 34.1, Councillor Graham intimated that he would like this matter to be referred to full Council in order for a final decision to be taken. Councillor Graham was supported by Councillors Bonsell, Brooks, Cross, Mrs Stewart and Thomson.



Meeting: 17/01/2023 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 3)

3 Notice of Motion from Councillor Bonsell pdf icon PDF 191 KB


That this Committee:

1.              notes that fuel poverty is a serious problem for people in their homes across Aberdeen, particularly during this winter but forecast to continue in future years;

2.              notes that the effects of climate change are increasingly being felt in all communities in the city, but especially in the most vulnerable;

3.              agrees that the most effective route out of fuel poverty is reducing the need for energy consumption, which is also part of the transition to a low carbon economy, the fundamental means of addressing climate change;

4.              notes that the widespread installation of good quality insulation in homes, to the current best standards, will reduce energy consumption and offer the prospect of decent living-wage jobs, open to local people within Aberdeen’s communities;

5.              notes that granite-built houses with solid walls and no cavities are a characteristic of Aberdeen;

6.              recalls the long history of Aberdeen City Council in tackling fuel poverty, for example, through partnering with SCARF, Aberdeen Heat & Power, and the new Energy from Waste project;

7.              agrees that Aberdeen City Council should look to maximise the benefits of public spending by integrating the work on fuel poverty, climate change and employability where possible.

8.              notes that the Council currently have a number of ongoing cavity and external wall insulation schemes to address the energy needs of Council tenants; and

9.              agrees that the Council continue to work with the Scottish Government to deliver Home Energy Efficiency Programme for Scotland: Area Based Scheme, working with private owners to progress external wall insulation and other home efficiency measures



The Committee had before it a notice of motion from Councillor Bonsell in the following terms:-


that the Committee –

1.     notes that fuel poverty is a serious problem for people in their homes across Aberdeen, particularly during this winter but forecast to continue in future years;

2.     notes that the effects of climate change are increasingly being felt in all communities in the city, but especially in the most vulnerable;

3.     agrees that the most effective route out of fuel poverty is reducing the need for energy consumption, which is also part of the transition to a low carbon economy, the fundamental means of addressing climate change.;

4.     notes that the widespread installation of good quality insulation in homes, to the current best standards, will reduce energy consumption and offer the prospect of decent living-wage jobs, open to local people within Aberdeen’s communities;

5.     notes that granite-built houses with solid walls and no cavities are a characteristic of Aberdeen;

6.     recalls the long history of Aberdeen City Council in tackling fuel poverty, for example, through partnering with SCARF, Aberdeen Heat & Power, and the new Energy from Waste project;

7.     agrees that we should look to maximise the benefits of public spending by integrating the work on fuel poverty, climate change and employability where possible;

8.     instructs the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to engage with appropriate social enterprises to explore the setting up, and also examine options for the in-house delivery, of a scheme to fit external wall insulation to homes with solid walls under the Home Energy Efficiency Programmes for Scotland: Area Based Schemes (HEEPS:ABS) and to report back to the appropriate committee; and

9.     instructs the Chief Officer – Commercial and Procurement to report back to the appropriate committee, not later than July 2023, on options that the Council may have under its trading powers for the production, distribution and installation of insulation in Council and non-Council properties, the benefits to employment and the local circular economy, the potential for reduction in fuel poverty for occupiers of Council houses and other properties, and the level of capital and revenue investment required for different options. 


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note that fuel poverty is a serious problem for people in their homes across Aberdeen, particularly during this winter but forecast to continue in future years;

(ii)            to note that the effects of climate change are increasingly being felt in all communities in the city, but especially in the most vulnerable;

(iii)          to agree that the most effective route out of fuel poverty is reducing the need for energy consumption, which is also part of the transition to a low carbon economy, the fundamental means of addressing climate change;

(iv)          to note that the widespread installation of good quality insulation in homes, to the current best standards, will reduce energy consumption and offer the prospect of decent living-wage jobs, open to local people within Aberdeen’s communities;

(v)           to note that granite-built houses with solid walls  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3

Meeting: 18/11/2021 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 3)

3 Notice of Motion by Councillor Reynolds- referred from Council on 21 June 2021 - Coffee Pods pdf icon PDF 244 KB

That the Council instruct the Chief Officer - Operations and Protective Services to report to the Operational Delivery Committee on the next steps following discussions with Podback (which is operated and financed by the coffee pod manufacturers at no cost to this authority) with a view to Aberdeen City Council becoming the first local authority in Scotland to introduce the recycling of coffee pods.



The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to instruct the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services to assess the viability of installing collection points at Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC’s), and if appropriate instruct the installation of collection points;

(ii)             to approve the promotion of the “Podback” Coffee Pod recycling scheme to inform householders and the general public about the scheme and provide further information about coffee pod recycling; and

(iii)            to agree that officers continue to engage with Podback and allow the necessary time to consider and plan for the future waste service challenges and requirements that this may impact on and to better understand the carbon impact of this service.



The Committee had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Reynolds in the following terms:-


That the Council instruct the Chief Officer - Operations and Protective Services to report to the Operational Delivery Committee on the next steps following discussions with Podback (which is operated and financed by the coffee pod manufacturers at no cost to this authority) with a view to Aberdeen City Council becoming the first local authority in Scotland to introduce the recycling of coffee pods.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee -

(a)            instructs the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services to assess the viability of installing collection points at Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC’s), and if appropriate instructs the installation of collection points;

(b)            approves the promotion of the “Podback” Coffee Pod recycling scheme to inform householders and the general public about the scheme and provide further information about coffee pod recycling; and

(c)             agrees that, at this time, adding coffee pods collection to the kerbside recycling collections is not considered viable due to logistical limitations, operational impacts and environmental sustainability considerations.


Councillor Reynolds spoke in furtherance of his notice of motion.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to approve recommendations (a) and (b); and

(ii)             to agree that officers continue to engage with Podback and allow the necessary time to consider and plan for the future waste service challenges and requirements that this may impact on and to better understand the carbon impact of this service.


Meeting: 13/01/2021 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 6)

Urgent Notice of Motion by Councillor Audrey Nicoll


The Committee resolved:-

to agree that a Service Update be provided to members, to provide details on how to minimise the effect of any future outages at Balnagask Energy Centre, and to include information on how to mitigate the additional heating costs incurred by residents using alternative costly heating options during the outage period.



The Committee had before it the following Urgent Notice of Motion by Councillor Audrey Nicoll:-


That the Committee:-

1.     Notes between 24 and 30 December 2020, residents supplied by the Balnagask Energy Centre had problems with heating and hot water due to a failure with the back up boiler at another location;

2.     Notes the sustained demands placed on the heating network during a period of very cold weather, and when residents were at home complying with the Covid19 restrictions;

3.     Notes with regret the time taken to resolve the issue, particularly given the detrimental impact from the many limitations to the heating and hot water on families and vulnerable residents in an area recognised as having high levels of fuel poverty;

4.     Instructs the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord, to provide a report back to this Committee on the action taken to find a permanent solution to this issue, given the potential sustained demand for domestic heating during winter months and Covid-19 lockdown; and

5.     Further instructs the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to provide a report to the relevant committee outlining options to minimise the effect of any future outages, and to include options to mitigate the additional heating costs incurred by residents using alternative costly heating options during the outage period.


The Committee resolved:-

to agree that a Service Update be provided to members, to provide details on how to minimise the effect of any future outages at Balnagask Energy Centre, and to include information on how to mitigate the additional heating costs incurred by residents using alternative costly heating options during the outage period.