Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/01/2019 - Capital Programme Committee (Item 9)

9 Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2022 - Main Issues Report - PLA/19/150 pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Due to the size of appendices 2 to 7, they are available to view via the following link:



Additional documents:


(i)       to request the Chief Officer Strategic Place Planning to circulate an amended timetable to the Committee to include the dates for when reports would be presented to Council;

(ii)      to request the Chief Officer Strategic Place Planning to advise all Councillors of the dates for the consultation period specifically when it commences, to enable them to promote throughout local groups;

(iii)      to note the outcomes of the pre-Main Issues Consultation;

(iv)     to note the contents of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan Main Issues Report; and

(v)      to instruct the Chief Officer Strategic Place Planning to publish the Aberdeen Local Development Plan Main Issues Report (subject to minor drafting corrections), along with the supporting documents which will inform the consultation and listed in the Appendices to this report, for a 10-week consultation period, with the outcomes to be reported to Council with the Proposed Plan in early 2020.


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which presented the Aberdeen  Local Development Pann Main Issues Report and background documents and sought authorisation to publish the Main Issues Report for consultation.


The report recommended:

That the Committee –

(a)      note the outcomes of the pre-Main Issues Consultation;

(b)      note the contents of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan Main Issues Report; and

(c)      instructs the Chief Officer Strategic Place Planning to publish the Aberdeen Local Development Plan Main Issues Report (subject to minor drafting corrections), along with the supporting documents which will inform the consultation and listed in the Appendices to this report, for a 10-week consultation period, with the outcomes to be reported to Council with the Proposed Plan in early 2020.


The Convener, seconded by Councillor Graham moved:-

to approve the recommendations in the report.


Councillor Yuill, seconded by Councillor Jackie Dunbar, moved as an amendment:-

(1)  to add an additional recommendation at 2.3 to note that sites reference B03/13 (Summerfield House), B03/19 (Woodend Hospital), B07/02 (Raeden (eastern part)), B08/02 (Frederick Street) and B08/04 (Urquhart Building) would accommodate at least 285 homes and, on that basis, agrees to delete site reference B11/01 (Garthdee Road) as one of the preferred housing sites; and

(2)  to agree to renumber recommendation 2.3 to 2.4.


At this stage in the proceedings, following legal advice, Councillor Nicoll declared an interest as a resident in the Raeden area; and Councillor Lumsden declared an interest by virtue of his position as a Board member of NHS Grampian.  Both Councillors left the meeting during consideration of the remainder of the item.


Councillor Cameron and Councillor Wheeler were in attendance as substitutes for the remainder of this item.


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (8) – The Convener; and Councillors Cameron, Jackie Dunbar, Graham, Laing, McLellan, Sellar and Wheeler; for the amendment (1) – Councillor Yuill.


The Committee reolved:-

(i)       to request the Chief Officer Strategic Place Planning to circulate an amended timetable to the Committee to include the dates for when reports would be presented to Council;

(ii)      to request the Chief Officer Strategic Place Planning to advise all Councillors of the dates for the consultation period specifically when it commences, to enable them to promote throughout local groups; and

(iii)      to otherwise approve the recommendations contained in the report.