Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/03/2019 - Integration Joint Board (Item 13)

13 Locality Model pdf icon PDF 373 KB

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The Board resolved to:-

(i) Agree to recognise three localities in the city, as per Appendix A.

(ii) Note the planned approach to strengthen and maximise benefits available through locality working through a co-production approach working with localities.

(iii) Instruct the Chief Officer to report back to the November 2019 meeting of the IJB with a further update on the implementation of the revised localities.

(iv) Instruct the Chief Officer to discuss opportunities for developing clear, distinct terminology for Health and Social Care Partnership localities and Community Planning Partnership localities and report back with a recommendation to the IJB.


The Board had before it a report presented by Gail Woodcock. The paper resulted from an earlier report to the Board in October 2018 and followed consultation sessions and public events. The Board heard that this had resulted in  fairly positive feedback.


The report sought to provide assurances that existing good practice and service experience would not be lost, but that these were foundations upon which future delivery could be made. The Board heard that the restructure would align with partners which would better design benefits to all. It was accepted that not all localities have the same demands or requirements and that focus was required to improve outcomes for the whole population of Aberdeen.


Whilst discussions included concern of some challenges with the revised model and the pace of change, as the model matured it would be possible to identify learning and present this in a future report.


It was accepted that the differing descriptions and titles, both legally and locally, in use did not particularly assist easier understanding of locality work. This presented an opportunity to engage further with all interested parties to establish a common terminology.



The Board resolved to:-

(i) Agree to recognise three localities in the city, as per Appendix A.

(ii) Note the planned approach to strengthen and maximise benefits available through locality working through a co-production approach working with localities.

(iii) Instruct the Chief Officer to report back to the November 2019 meeting of the IJB with a further update on the implementation of the revised localities.

(iv) Instruct the Chief Officer to discuss opportunities for developing clear, distinct terminology for ACHSCP localities and Community Planning Partnership localities and report back with a recommendation to the IJB.