Issue - meetings

Various Small Scale Traffic Management Stage 3 - Westerton Road - OPE/19/

Meeting: 17/09/2019 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 9)

9 Roads Winter Service Plan 2019-20 - OPE/19/337 pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to approve the “Roads Winter Service Plan 2019-2020” including the changes made to the priority hierarchy for roads treatments;

(ii)          to delegate authority to the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services to, following consultation with the Chief Officer – Finance, continue to deliver the Winter Maintenance Service; and

(iii)         to note that a briefing would be organised in due course for Elected Members in regard to the winter maintenance for roads.


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Operating Officer, which presented the proposed Roads Winter Service Plan for 2019 and to highlight changes from previous years.  It also sought to address the issues raised during the budget setting process for 2019-20.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)          approves the “Roads Winter Service Plan 2019-2020” including the changes made to the priority hierarchy for roads treatments; and

(b)          delegates authority to the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services to, following consultation with the Chief Officer – Finance, continue to deliver the Winter Maintenance Service; and


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to note that a briefing would be organised in due course for Elected Members in regard to the winter maintenance for roads; and

(ii)          to otherwise approve the recommendations.



Meeting: 16/05/2019 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 13)

13 Various Small Scale Traffic Management Stage 3 - Westerton Road - OPE/19/157 pdf icon PDF 253 KB


The Committee resolved: -

(i)            to acknowledge the objections received as part of the statutory consultation in relation to the "The Aberdeen City Council (Westerton Road, Cults, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 201X” and considers the contents of the objections, as reported to the Operational Delivery Committee on 17th January 2019;

(ii)          to note the results of the surveys undertaken pre and post opening of the AWPR produced in Appendix B; and

(iii)         to approve "The Aberdeen City Council (Westerton Road, Cults, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Ord and proposes ‘at any time’ waiting restrictions on Westerton Road, Cults after the speeding cushions south of properties 1-7 and 2-10.



With reference to article 6 of the minute of its meeting of 17 January 2019, the Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services, which provided details on the traffic volume and speed survey undertaken on Westerton Road after the full opening of the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route (AWPR), to assist members in their consideration of proposed waiting restrictions on the road.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee -

(a)          acknowledges the objections received as part of the statutory consultation in relation to the "The Aberdeen City Council (Westerton Road, Cults, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 201X” and considers the contents of the objections, as reported to the Operational Delivery Committee on 17th January 2019;

(b)          notes the results of the surveys undertaken pre and post opening of the AWPR produced in Appendix B; and

(c)          approves "The Aberdeen City Council (Westerton Road, Cults, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 201X” produced in Appendix A.


Councillor Bell moved, seconded by the Convener:-

that the Committee approve recommendations (a) and (b) and amend recommendation (c) to read:-  approves “The Aberdeen City Council (Westerton Road, Cults, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 201X and proposes “at any time” waiting restrictions on Westerton Road, Cults after the speeding cushions south of properties 1-7 and 2-10.


Councillor Jackie Dunbar moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Henrickson:-

that the Committee approve the recommendations as contained within the report. 


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (7) – the Convener and Councillors Bell, Grant, Graham, Lumsden, Macdonald and Jennifer Stewart, the Depute Provost; for the amendment (6) – Councillors Cormie, Delaney, Jackie Dunbar, Henrickson, McLellan and Townson.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.