Issue - meetings

Review of Broad Street Partial Pedestrianisation Including Safety Review

Meeting: 16/05/2019 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 7)

7 Review of Broad Street Partial Pedestrianisation Including Safety Review - PLA/19/088 pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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The Committee resolved:-

to instruct the Chief Officer Capital to proceed to design and install a fully traffic signalised junction at the Upperkirkgate / Gallowgate junction. The design is to be discussed and agreed with key stakeholders and funders.


With reference to article 13 of the minute of Council of 5 March 2018, the Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Capital, which summarised the outcomes of a review of the Broad Street project on the operations, setting and safety of the scheme following six months of full implementation.  It also provided details on surveys carried out by Sustrans and engagement with relevant stakeholders which included the Disability Equity Partnership, Bus Companies and the public. 


The report recommended:-

that the Committee instructs the Chief Officer – Capital to proceed to design and install a fully traffic signalised junction at the Upperkirkgate/Gallowgate junction, with the design to be discussed and agreed with key stakeholders and funders. 


The Convener seconded by the Vice Convener Councillor Bell, moved:-

that the Committee approve the recommendation as contained within the report.  


Councillor Delaney moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Jackie Dunbar:-

            that the Committee –

(a)  Notes the decision of Council of 5 March 2018 to permit buses, cyclists and pedestrians to use the “shared surface” proposed for Broad Street;

(b)  Notes with concern the issues which continue to be raised by people with visual, hearing and mobility loss regarding the safe use of the “shared surface” on Broad Street;

(c)  Notes the Sustrans policy statement of June 2018 in which they state “Governments needs to draw up a clear set of principles and standards to promote space that prioritises people and ensures the safety of all users, including people with sensory or physical impairments” and that “the first priority of design should be creating accessible and inclusive environments and must be consistent with the Equality Act (2010)”;

(d)  Further notes the reference within the Sustrans policy statement to heavily trafficked areas which should include “improved crossings for all users to ensure that the movement of people is given the highest priority”;

(e)  Notes the view of the Council’s Disability Equity Partnership that Broad Street should be fully pedestrianised;

(f)   Agrees that Broad Street should be closed to all vehicular traffic between its junctions with Upperkirkgate and Queen Street and instructs the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services to seek agreement from Sustrans to progress this change and, subject to agreement, commence the Traffic Regulation Order for this measure as a matter of priority with costs to be met from the Road Safety & Traffic Management Budget, and to report to the appropriate committee in this regard;

(g)  Instructs the Chief Officer - Capital, to proceed to design and install a fully traffic signalised junction at the Upperkirkgate/Gallowgate junction.  The design is to be discussed and agreed with key stakeholders and funders; and

(h)  Instructs the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services to identify a safe segregated cycling route as well as accessibility routes into Marischal College, following consultation with key stakeholder and funders.  


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (7) - the Convener and Councillors Bell, Grant, Graham, Lumsden, Macdonald and Jennifer Stewart,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7