Issue - meetings

Police Scotland Thematic Reports - Verbal Update from Clerk

Meeting: 13/06/2019 - Public Protection Committee (Item 6)

Police Scotland Thematic Reports - Verbal Update from Clerk


Noted the verbal update of the inclusion of additional Thematic requests to Police Scotland.


The Committee heard from the Clerk who provided an update on future planned thematic reports arising from suggestions made by members of the Committee.


These were to present a report on the following to the Committee on 12 December 2019:

(a)  the recent (1 April) implementation of the Coercive Control legislation enacted by the Scottish Parliament, and

(b)  the approach to mental health for all staff in particular front line Officers in regard to recognition and treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


Thereafter, the Committee received a verbal update from Superintendent Stephen on local Police performance. This overview indicated an improvement in detection rates with some downward trends in reported crimes. Superintendent Stephen advised  that a full Police Scotland performance report would be submitted to the Committee’s meeting on 10 October 2019.


The Committee resolved :-

to note the verbal updates regarding the scheduling of future thematic and performance reports from Police Scotland.