Issue - meetings

Scottish Housing Regulator - Annual Assurance Statement - report to follow

Meeting: 17/09/2019 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 10)

10 Scottish Housing Regulator - Annual Assurance Statement - CUS/19/376 pdf icon PDF 137 KB


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the Annual Assurance Statement for submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator.


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Early Intervention and Community Empowerment, which sought approval for the Council’s Annual Assurance Statement which must be submitted to the Scottish Housing Regulator by 31 October 2019.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve the Annual Assurance Statement for submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener Councillor Bell, moved:-

That the Committee approve the recommendation contained within the report.


Councillor Delaney, seconded by Councillor Henrickson, moved as an amendment:-

That the Committee –

(1)  Declines to approve the Annual Assurance Statement appended to this report for submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator and instructs the Director of Customer Services to report back to the next meeting of this Committee with additional evidence of compliance in order that the Committee may (if satisfied with such evidence) so approve the Statement at that time; and

(2)  Instructs the Director of Customer Services to write to the Scottish Housing Regulator to inform them that the 31 October deadline will not be met and to seek an extension in this regard.


On a division there voted:- for the motion (12) – the Convener, and Councillors Bell, Cormie, Donnelly, Flynn, Graham, Grant, Henrickson, Laing, Macdonald, McLellan and Townson; for the amendment (1) – Councillor Delaney.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion and therefore approve the recommendation contained within the report.


In terms of Standing Order 31.7, Councillor Delaney intimated his dissent against the decision of the Committee.