Issue - meetings

Weight restriction to stop HGV's using School Road/ Golf Road/ Park Road and Park Street

Meeting: 12/11/2019 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 1)

Weight restriction to stop HGV's using School Road/ Golf Road/ Park Road and Park Street

A petition was submitted and had the necessary signatures to be considered at committee.   "We the undersigned petition the council to introduce a weight restriction to stop HGV’s from using School Road / Golf Road Park Road and Park Street and to ask the council to write to Police Scotland to consider the installation of speed cameras along School Road and Golf Road in Seaton."




The Committee had before it the following petition which had been submitted by the lead petitioner Mr Lewis McGill.


“We the undersigned petition the Council to introduce a weight restriction to stop HGV’s from using School Road/ Golf Road/ Park Road and Park Street and to ask the Council to write to Police Scotland to consider the installation of speed cameras along School Road and Golf Road in Seaton.


The Convener explained the process and invited the petitioner to present his case to the Committee.


Mr McGill explained that HGV’s constantly sped along School Road which was very unacceptable and used it as a rat run to get to other areas in Aberdeen.  Mr McGill noted that the area was a 20MPH zone however this was never adhered to, not only by HGV’s but cars too.  He explained that he held discussions with the local community on what to do and as a result decided to do a petition to try and get HGV’s off School Road.  Mr McGill explained that there had been several accidents in the area with one death on King Street, and highlighted that the road was not built to handle the amount and size of vehicles such as HGV’s.  He noted that residents did not feel safe due to the amount of traffic on the road and with cars parked at either side of the road, it meant that children living in the area were not safe to play.


Mr McGill went on to speak about the regeneration of Seaton and spoke about the impact the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route had on traffic levels in the area.  Mr McGill stated that the levels had dropped at first, however felt that the amount of HGV’s using the route had returned to what they were.  Mr McGill highlighted that according to Police Scotland, 85% of HGV’s using the area, were going over the speed limit and there was no potential of getting speed cameras in the area.


Finally Mr McGill spoke about the health impact the amount of vehicles passing by had on residents in regards to the fumes and noted that a lot were suffering with asthma as a result.  Also the vehicles were causing the roads to vibrate, with cracks appearing on School Road as a result, as well as on the pavements.


Members then asked a number of questions of Mr McGill and Vycki Ritson, Team Leader, Operations and Protective Services. 


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to note that officers had recently undertaken traffic surveys in the area and were due to examine the results and look at various options as a result; and

(ii)          to therefore agree that no action be taken from the Committee at this point, and to request that a Service Update be provided to members in advance of the January Committee, to give assurance on safety measures and what action was being proposed for the area.   


Meeting: 17/09/2019 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 2)

Weight restriction to stop HGV's using School Road/ Golf Road/ Park Road and Park Street

A petition was submitted and had the necessary signatures to be considered at committee.   "We the undersigned petition the council to introduce a weight restriction to stop HGV’s from using School Road / Golf Road Park Road and Park Street and to ask the council to write to Police Scotland to consider the installation of speed cameras along School Road and Golf Road in Seaton."



The Committee resolved:-

to note that the Petitioner requested that it be considered at the next Operational Delivery Committee on 12 November 2019.


The Clerk advised that at the request of the petitioner, the petition would be heard and considered at the following Committee meeting on 12 November 2019.


The Committee resolved:-

to note the information provided.