Issue - meetings

SFRS 2019/20 Q1 Public Protection Report

Meeting: 10/10/2019 - Public Protection Committee (Item 6)

6 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service 2019/20 Q1 Public Protection Report - SFR/19/389 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to note that Diesel, one of the search and rescue dogs for the fire service, as well as his handler Gary Caroll, were due to be recognised at the House of Lords at the Animal Action Awards due to their specialist skills which had been used by the UK International Search and Rescue team in order to assist in disasters across the world; and

(ii)          to otherwise note the performance data provided in appendix A in relation to the SFRS 2019-20 Performance Report. 


The Committee had before it the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Quarter 1 Performance Report presented by the Local Senior Fire Officer.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee consider and note the performance data provided in Appendix A in relation to the SFRS 2019/20 Performance Report.


The Committee received an overview from Mr Farquharson which included information on a downward trend in deliberate fire setting which had involved considerable amount of work with partners including schools for education and the council where combustible materials were known to be dumped. The partnership approach also assisted with low instances of non-domestic fires.


The rise in deliberate property fires indicated no apparent trend and the service remained vigilant to these.


The Committee heard that home fire prevention visits continue and that engagement with vulnerable individuals was ongoing.


The Committee also heard of the actions of Diesel, a service search and rescue dog who was to be recognised at the House of Lords.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to note that Diesel, one of the search and rescue dogs for the fire service, as well as his handler Gary Caroll, were due to be recognised at the House of Lords at the Animal Action Awards due to their specialist skills which had been used by the UK International Search and Rescue team in order to assist in disasters across the world; and

(ii)          to otherwise note the performance data provided in appendix A in relation to the SFRS 2019-20 Performance Report.