Issue - meetings

Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest

Meeting: 19/11/2019 - Integration Joint Board (Item 2)

2 Declarations of interest pdf icon PDF 61 KB


The Board resolved:-

to note the following declarations;

(i)            John Tomlinson made a declaration of interest in respect of Agenda Item 19 , (2020/2021 Annual Procurement Work Plan), specifically pages 254-256, and intended to remain.

(ii)          Maggie Hepburn made a declaration of interest in respect of Agenda Item 20 (Grant to Voluntary Organisation) and intended to withdraw.

(iii)         Councillor Duncan, the Chair, made a declaration of interest in respect of Supplementary Agenda Item 10.1 and intended to withdraw.


The Chair invited Declarations of Interest and the following were received.


The Board resolved:-

to note the following declarations;

(i)            John Tomlinson declared an interest in respect of Agenda Item 19 , (2020/2021 Annual Procurement Work Plan), specifically pages 254-256, and intended to remain.

(ii)          Maggie Hepburn declared an interest in respect of Agenda Item 20 (Grant to Voluntary Organisation) and intended to withdraw.

(iii)         The Chair, declared an interest in respect of Supplementary Agenda Item 10.1 and intended to withdraw.