Issue - meetings


Meeting: 04/12/2019 - Public Protection Committee (Item 13)

13 Generic Emergency Plan - GOV/19/459 pdf icon PDF 82 KB

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to welcome and note the Generic Emergency Plan which will become effective from 31st January 2020 and

(ii)          to agree to receive an update on implementation of the Plan at its 13 May 2020 meeting as part of the Resilience Annual Report.



The Committee had before it a report from the Chief Officer – Governance which presented the Aberdeen City Council Generic Emergency Plan.


The report recommended: -

that the Committee -

a)            note the Generic Emergency Plan which will become effective from 31January 2020; and

b)            agree to receive an update on implementation of the Plan at its 13 May 2020 meeting as part of the Resilience Annual Report.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations including that the report was welcome.

-       Councillor Jennifer Stewart, The Depute Provost, Convener