Issue - meetings

COVID-19 Update

Meeting: 20/03/2020 - Urgent Business Committee (Item 4)

COVID-19 Update - Verbal Update


(a)      to note the verbal update from the Chief Executive in relation to COVID-19; and

(b)      to commend and thank all staff for their exemplary response to the situation to date


3.         The Committee received a verbal update from the Chief Executive regarding the current position in respect of Covid-19, wherein she advised of the role of public bodies in respect of health epidemics and explained that the Grampian Local Resilience Partnership (LRP) had been activated with NHS Grampian leading the response, following the Infectious Disease Plan.. In addition, the Council’s own resilience structures had been activated (CMT, Tactical and Operations) and provided an overview of the measures implemented to date. She also advised that given the dynamin situation further measures would be taken as appropriate and Members would be kept informed accordingly.


The Chief Executives expressed thanks for the large amount of offers of support from the public to the Council and other partners and explained that consideration was being given how to mobilise this goodwill. She also thanked all group leaders for their cross-party support, as well as to Council staff who were described as exemplary.


The Committee resolved:

(i)           to note the verbal update from the Chief Executive in relation to COVID-19; and

(ii)          to commend and thank all staff for their exemplary response to the situation to date.