Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/08/2020 - Risk, Audit and Performance Committee (Item 6)

6 Board Assurance & Escalation Framework - HSCP.20.026 pdf icon PDF 407 KB

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The Committee resolved :-

(i) to note the revised Board Assurance and Escalation Framework as

attached in the appendix to the report,

(ii) to instruct the Chief Finance Officer to introduce amendments to the appendix as provided by the Members,

(iii) to approve the revised Board Assurance and Escalation Framework following amendment; and

(iv) to note that the Framework will be reviewed by the Committee on an

annual basis.


The Committee had before it a report from the Chief Finance Officer, ACHSCP which presented a revised version of the IJB’s Board and Escalation Framework (BAEF).


The Committee heard from the Business Lead, ACHSCP who provided an overview of the report, explained the BAEF and its appendix.


The Committee discussed the revised version and provided comment and feedback to the Business Lead.


The report recommended :-

that the Committee –

(a)  approve the revised Board Assurance and Escalation Framework as

attached in the appendix to this report; and

(b)  note that the Framework will be reviewed by the Committee on an

annual basis.


The Committee resolved :-

(i)    to note the revised Board Assurance and Escalation Framework as attached in the appendix to the report,

(ii)  to instruct the Chief Finance Officer to introduce amendments to the appendix as provided by the Members,

(iii) to approve the revised Board Assurance and Escalation Framework following amendment; and

(iv) to note that the Framework will be reviewed by the Committee on an annual basis.
