Issue - meetings

Chief Officer's Report

Meeting: 11/08/2020 - Integration Joint Board (Item 7)

Chief Officer's Report


to note that members had received regular written updates from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP during the period of the pandemic which enabled appropriate understanding and scrutiny and that written reports from the Chief Officer would resume.


The Board heard from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP, who advised that whilst a report had not been presented, regular updates had been shared on a weekly basis with the Board members.


The Board heard that whilst the updates provided had been of quality and informative, there was a lack of public transparency and accountability on the regular sharing of the information in that format.


The Board then heard from Chris Littlejohn, Depute Director of Public Health, NHSG who provided an update on the recent increase in covid-19 cases associated with licensed premises in Aberdeen.


Mr Littlejohn provided a summary of the outbreak, its detection, management and continuing review of the incident.



The Board resolved : -

to note that members had received regular written updates from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP during the period of the pandemic which enabled appropriate understanding and scrutiny and that written reports from the Chief Officer would resume.