Issue - meetings

Referral from ACC Urgent Business Committee - HSCP20.023

Meeting: 11/08/2020 - Integration Joint Board (Item 8)

8 Referral from ACC Urgent Business Committee - HSCP20.023 pdf icon PDF 525 KB

Additional documents:


(i)    to instruct the Chief Officer Finance (ACHSCP) to provide details of the relevant report(s) to the Chief Officer Finance (ACC) for the City Growth & Resources Committee on 28 October 2020

(ii)  to notes Recommendation (ix) of the Urgent Business Committee; and

(iii) to take no further action at this time.


The Board had before it a report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which informed the Board of a referral made by a committee of Aberdeen City Council (ACC).


The Board heard from the Clerk of the circumstances surrounding the report presented to the ACC Urgent Business Committee on 30 June 2020 from which a referral was made to the Board as per the appendix  to the report.


The Board heard from Councillor Al-Samarai who wished to question the competency of the referral.


The Board heard from the Legal Advisor that whilst the manner of the referral may be inappropriate, it was competent for any committee of ACC to make a report to the IJB, and/or its Committee’s, in any form they wished. It was for the IJB to consider whether to accept any report in whichever manner it was received.


The Board further heard from Councillor Al-Samarai who outlined her observations on the referral which did not fully capture the context of the discussions held at the Urgent Business Committee prior to the decisions taken and her opinion that the action of referral sought to politicise the busines of the IJB.


The Board further discussed the matter and heard that the report did not contain any information which the Board were not aware of and and had not already taken action regarding.


The Chair accepted the report and commented that the Board had already considered much of the report’s content in its own business and noted Councillor Al-Samarai’s representation which would be recorded


The report recommended :-

that the Board -

(a)  instruct the Chief Officer Finance (ACHSCP) to provide details of the relevant report(s) to the Chief Officer Finance (ACC) for the City Growth & Resources Committee on 28 October 2020; and

(b)  note Recommendation (ix) of the Urgent Business Committee.


The Board resolved :-

(i)    to approve the recommendations; and

(ii)  to take no further action at this time.