Issue - meetings

Immunisations - HSCP.20.037

Meeting: 08/09/2020 - Integration Joint Board (Item 14)

14 Immunisations - HSCP.20.037 pdf icon PDF 741 KB


(i)    to note the update on immunisation delivery in Aberdeen as set out in this report,

(ii)  to request an update report to be brought back to IJB following on from this years flu programme, and

(iii) to instruct the Chief Officer, ACHSCP to present an Evaluation and Lessons Learned report to the Board on 25 May 2021.


The Board had before it a report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which provided an update on the Partnership’s immunisation plans.


The Board heard from the Transformation Lead, ACHSCP who provided an overview of the report including the redesign of the immunisations service, the approach towards delivering the vaccination transformation programme, and plans for delivering mass vaccinations over the coming months.


Members heard of the increased emphasis on this year’s immunisations plans and the requirement to adopt different practices to those experienced previously and to consider alternative methods of mass delivery. Members further heard that the processes applied were likely to be used should a coronavirus immunisation become available.


The report recommended :-

that the Board note the update on immunisation delivery in Aberdeen as set out in this report and requests an update report to be brought back to IJB following on from this year’s flu programme.


The Board resolved :-

(i)           to approve the recommendation; and

(ii)          to instruct the Chief Officer, ACHSCP to present an Evaluation and Lessons Learned report to the Board on 25 May 2021.

-       Councillor SARAH DUNCAN, CHAIR