Issue - meetings

Aberdeen City’s Affordable Housing Delivery Programme

Meeting: 28/10/2020 - City Growth and Resources Committee (Item 14)

14 Aberdeen City’s Affordable Housing Delivery Programme - COM/20/181 pdf icon PDF 254 KB


(i)              to approve the allocation of the Section 75 and Council Tax monies detailed at section 3.4 of the report for the future delivery of affordable housing;

(ii)            to approve the allocation of Council Tax monies detailed at 3.4 of the report to fund the post of Empty Homes Officer from 16 January 2021; and

(iii)           to approve the allocation of the Affordable Housing Supply Grant to RSLs detailed at section 3.5 of the report for the future delivery of affordable housing.


With reference to article 10 of the minute of meeting of 26 September 2019, the Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning which provided an update on the Aberdeen City affordable housing delivery programme.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee - 

(a)      approve the allocation of the Section 75 and Council Tax monies detailed at section 3.4 of the report for the future delivery of affordable housing;

(b)      approve the allocation of Council Tax monies detailed at 3.4 of the report to fund the post of Empty Homes Officer from 16 January 2021; and

(c)      approve the allocation of the Affordable Housing Supply Grant to Registered Social Landlords detailed at section 3.5 of the report for the future delivery of affordable housing.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.