Issue - meetings

HSCP20.056_Performance OHF RAP Nov 2020

Meeting: 03/11/2020 - Risk, Audit and Performance Committee (Item 7)

7 Performance - Operation Home First - Aberdeen City Priority Projects - HSCP.20.056 pdf icon PDF 1022 KB


The Committee resolved :-

to note the information provided in this report


The Committee had before it the report from the Chief Finance Officer, ACHSCP, which provided an update on the performance of the Aberdeen City Priority Projects relating to Operation Home First (OHF).


The Lead Strategy and Performance Manager, ACHSCP, advised members that the significant effort of the Partnership was devoted to aligning OHF with the Strategic Plan.


Members were advised that the Leads from each of the respective Priority Projects were present to provide clarity on any matter.


A summary of the 10 key priorities as described within Appendix 1 of the report was presented to the Committee.


Members applied considerable scrutiny to each area and heard from the respective Leads, Chief Officer and Chief Finance Officer as appropriate.


The report recommended :-

that the Committee note the information provided in this report.


The Committee resolved :-

to approve the recommendation.