Issue - meetings

Cluster Risk Registers and Assurance Maps

Meeting: 03/02/2021 - City Growth and Resources Committee (Item 7)

7 Cluster Risk Registers and Assurance Maps - COM/21/017 pdf icon PDF 329 KB

Additional documents:


to note the Cluster Risk Registers and Assurance Maps set out in Appendices A to H of the report.


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officers of Governance, Strategic Place Planning, City Growth and Finance which presented the cluster Risk Registers and Assurance Maps in accordance with the City Growth and Resources Committee’s Terms of Reference and provided assurance on the Council’s system of risk management.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee note the Cluster Risk Registers and Assurance Maps set out in Appendices A to H of the report.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.