Issue - meetings

Police Scotland - Verbal Update : Current Lockdown

Meeting: 09/03/2021 - Public Protection Committee (Item 4)

Police Scotland - Verbal Update : Current Lockdown


The Committee resolved :-

to acknowledge the verbal update provided.


The Convener advanced this item from its agenda position to facilitate Police Scotland to provide a ‘here and now’ position of policing in the City before continuing to the reports presented.


Members heard from the Local Police Commander who presented a verbal overview of the operations, challenges and observations being experienced during the current lockdown.


Members were advised of positive partner working with ACC Services and acknowledgement of frustrations experienced by citizens. Responding to a question on staff morale, the Local Police Commander advised that Police Scotland remained observant and mindful on staff welfare and that absenteeism levels, whilst lower than normal, were monitored and that there was an introduction of fatigue within policing which was being addressed with adaptive welfare consideration.


The Local Police Commander confirmed that a lessons learned exercise was live and captured benefits and efficiencies that had developed during changes to policing throughout Scotland whether by legislation, guidance or public behaviours and expectations, to ensure a ‘new normal’ would evolve within policing.


The Committee resolved :-

to acknowledge the verbal update provided.